Pickles in Oz

(kris.marshall78) #1

Until last week it has been probably 20 years since I had pickles. I picked up a jar the other day and it now needs replacing due to my apparent obsession with eating them.

What is the best ones to buy in Oz? The one I bought was a local brand but I suspect there is better out there.

(Vicki Cowan-Pattison ) #2

Do you mean the nanna kind of pickles that are diced and for spreading on sandwiches? Or small or large pickled cucumbers? Dill or sweet? I suppose you may mean dill since we are keto.

(kris.marshall78) #3

Dill, I forgot about the other types lol

(Jake P) #4

I love pickles. I like to spread cream cheese on a slice of meat and then roll it up with a pickle spear.

(Simon Saunders) #5

I still love spring gully in Australia, i moderate the levels into my daily carb count.

(Dustin Cade) #6

i’ve learned to pay extra close attention to pickles list of ingredients, they like to sneak in high fructose corn syrup in for whatever reason… though this might be a problem only in the US…

(Stickin' with mammoth) #7

If the meat was a strip of bacon, that’d be like keto sushi. (drool)

(Stickin' with mammoth) #8

You just made me check my go-to pickles, Dustin, but I think I’m safe. Whew!

(Dustin Cade) #9

I’ve started going with the Mt. Olive brand

(Danielle) #10

@Nomadic We use these

They are local to Melbourne. I am not sure how easy they are to get elsewhere