Oops! I didn’t know we couldn’t talk about fat!

(Megan) #1

Hello all! I’m new to the whole Keto diet and have been really struggling with ways to add more fat into my diet. I’ve only been at this a few days but I want to journey on. I’ve realized after looking through what I’ve meal prepped that I’ve included too much protein and not nearly enough fat. Anyone that can offer help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!! :kissing_heart:


Well, if you like coffee try adding butter and or coconut oil to it. It’s how I start pretty much every morning. There’s a topic on here just on simple fat snacks. I’ll see if I can find it and update this comment with the link.

Here you go:

Good luck!

(Tammy Kidd) #3

Cook everything with butter, Olive oil or avacado oil. I also save bacon grease and use it when I cook. Boiled eggs and natural cheeses are also good sources.

(Jennifer) #4

Walnuts, pecans and macadamia nuts. Cheese is high in fat, but I’m really trying to cut my dairy intake.


Smother your veggies in a fatty sauce (ie. pesto, alfredo, cheese, cream, or mayo based).

Use condiments like olives, seeds, avocado, anchovies.

Pick the fatty protein sources like salmon, ribs, 70-30 hamburger and chicken thighs.

(Karen) #6

I have most of my fat at breakfast. Bpc, bacon with butter on eggs, 90 second muffin, with, you guessed it…butter.


(Sarah ) #7

Dips creams sauces spreads schmears

(Candice) #8

I mix green salsa with sour cream and use it as a sauce on eggs or meat.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #9

use fattier cuts of meat, they are usually cheaper too :smile:

(Candice) #10
