OMAD ND Blood Glucose


I went to omad and even after fasting up to 23 hrs,my blood glucose readings are 95-99 on my precision Xtra meter.
Shouldn’t it be lower? I still also notice when I do a ketone reading,rarely am I above a .5, that also seems low since I keep my carbs under 15.Run about 1600 calories on my daily meal, usually run about 70% fat.

(Tim W) #2

Be lower in comparison to what?

I would suggest:

  1. Track your numbers over weeks, changes don’t happen overnight. Give it time, log your numbers and look for changes in YOUR numbers.
  2. Don’t compare your numbers to others. You are metabolically unique and only YOUR numbers count/matter at this time. What others experience doesn’t matter for you.
  3. If you are really concerned, go see a doc, get you fasting insulin, glucose, A1C etc tested, take those lab numbers and discuss with a medical professional.

Be patient, keep up the good work with fasting and OMAD, KCKO!


Thanks,i’m not overly concerned,since i am in “safe” range,just thought it would drop with keto and fasting,i would be happier if it were around 80ish.
Been on keto about 8 months,well i won’t call it keto since i feel i am rarely in good ketosis but i have lost 80lbs so far in that 8 months so no complaints there.
I did 18-8 for a couple weeks,then went to 18-6 for the next couple weeks and have been on omad for about a week and a half.
Weight still coming down,slowly but i’m ok with that,just trying to get all the info i can on this woe as i progress.
I haven’t done a fasting insulin test but my number aren’t to bad
chol 166
hdl 33 (a little low)
trygl 102
ldl 113
a1c 5.2
glucose 95

(Tim W) #4

Good stuff,

Do you have any numbers from “pre-keto”?

For what it’s worth, I use OMAD and will often, after 16-18 hours of fasting will have a glucose reading in the 80s. I’ve fasted for weeks at a time and never gotten below 65, not sure why. I just know when I feel good and OMAD keeps me in that feel good range more than just about anything.

Good luck on your journey!


I’m going to come off as a douche here, but that’s not my intention. OMAD isn’t fasting, it’s skipping two meals. “Normal” people store around 2.000 calories (approx) worth of fuel to burn, being keto we have WAY more, until you’ve at least burned everything you’ve consumed your not running on reserves which is when your in a fasted state. “Fasting” meaning your not eating, and your body being in a fasted state are two different things. In less than a day of not eating your not going to see a huge difference especially if your pretty insulin resistant like most of us are. I don’t hit the 80’s and 70’s until around 4 days of fasting, meaning FASTING the whole time minus water and salt.

(Rob) #6

As I understand it, IF is about lowering insulin load. Your body has a BG level it likes given its metabolic history so you may find that your BG doesn’t change, BUT the insulin it takes to stay at that level is lower. At least, that’s the hope. Mid nineties is still normal. It might take a lot more time to lower that as your body adjusts to lower and lower insulin loads. Just a thought…