Olive oil constricts blood flow

(M) #1

What do they mean when they say olive oil constricts blood flow?

(Bob M) #2

Did you see a study or an article?

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #3

You can find anything you want on the internet.
Some say the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest in the World :man_shrugging:


It would be very helpful in getting all your questions answered if you linked to the sources.

(Joey) #5

Perhaps reclassify this thread from Show Me The Science to Humour?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #6

Who are “they,” and where did “they” say it? What, precisely, did “they” say, and what was the context?

And why are you asking us what “they” meant, instead of asking “them” what they meant? How are we supposed to know?

(M) #7

never mind. you can delete the thread. I thought perhaps other people had read this as well, it’s in a lot of places on the internet, as well as quite a few studies that say the opposite. I wondered if anybody knew the exact science behind how it restrict blood flow or could damage epithelium.

I am beginning to feel I am out of place on this forum.


Just provide links to where you get your info about the things you ask, so we can actually follow. When no one here has heard of it, you can assume it’s not credible info. The internet is chuck full of all kinds of nonsense.

(KM) #9

So the forks over knives website claims it’s bad and Tufts claims it’s helpful. Kind of hard to know who to NOT trust more. :joy:


R. A. Vogel has done some research on this topic, including the Lyon Diet Heart Study, which substituted canola oil for the traditional olive oil and found it reduced cardiovascular events.
Keep in mind that not all olive oils are created equal. Cold-pressed seems to be the better option. But like everything else, there seems to be a duality. Too little is not good, and too much is also not good. Balance

(Joey) #11

Please don’t jump to this conclusion.

It’s just that most folks around here take their science very seriously, given all the questionable and unsupported “scientific” claims made about nutrition over the decades. So the “Show Me the Science” category is sort of a sacred spot for rigorous support for hypothesis with compelling evidence.

Posting an open-ended question in this science-oriented section is little bit triggering for a lot of folks (myself included, apparently!) if it’s not based on actual science.

Rest assured, you’re doing just fine around here! We’re all entitled to our respective opinions, and yours (and your questions) are equally as welcomed as anyone else’s. :vulcan_salute:


I think you are exactly in the right place. People here follow the science and are willing to ferret the truth out for you, you just need to let them know where to find what you want to talk about.

It is quite difficult to separate the chaff from the grain on the web. We can help.


Wow, so Tufts said something I agree with, amazing!

My brother has worked for Tufts for years, and I’ve met a lot of “smart” people over there and because of that, I don’t take much out of that place too seriously!


I may be just may be a dumb Ulsterman…but WTF?


BTW, as an aside…order in your Olive Oil now.

There is a shortage, and the price will be inflated. I warned of this months ago.