Old man just trying to keep breathing

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #101

STOP IT! You’re making me drool, and the supermarket is closed! :grin:

(Wendy) #102

Yes. Especially in the beginning of keto, well after the tiredness ended for me. I started taking magnesium at night and that actually helped. I still wake early but it doesn’t affect me too much. I guess I average 6 to 7 hours a night now.

(Cathy) #103

I take magnesium too but in the morning. I think everyone should be taking magnesium as well as vitamin b12.

(Wendy) #104

I find it relaxes me and helps me sleep. I do take a B complex with the b12 as well. I take D3 (though with summer coming I may stop for a while) and K2, a small amount of C and a multi. I just don’t remember everyday, and I think that’s ok.

(OldFatJoe) #105

We got a few of those huge clear barrels of pork rinds and will start putting them to use soon. Lots of recipes out there that sound to good to pass up.

I put a white noise app on my phone last night. I guess I was sleeping pretty good until at 1:51 am the USPS decided to send a text alert for a package that is in transit. My alert sound is a duck quacking. Yep, woke me right up! :rage: Probably slept maybe another 20 minutes after that. I’ll turn that phone off tonight and use my old phone with no service. It’s still usable as a music player or for apps like this. Wifi still works fine for downloads.


(Ashley) #106

I do the same thing, I use my old phone for a alarm and my new one sits charging muted at night. Also white noise machines are excellent for sleep. I used to be a fan sleeper and now I use a white noise machine which cut down on my electric at night.

(Kirk) #107

Your phones likely have a ‘do not disturb’ setting. Mine only allows critical comms between 22:00 and 06:00

(OldFatJoe) #108

You’re probably right but my smart phones are MUCH smarter than I am! :wink: I’ll go to the USPS site and see if I can change my notifications. I don’t need to know that a package just left Podunk on it’s way to Seattle just before 2:00 am!!!


(Doug) #109

:smile: For sure.

Lots of nights my phone gets turned off.

(OldFatJoe) #110

Main phone was turned off last night and old phone was playing white noise. Stayed up late with daughter and didn’t get to bed until close to midnight. Sheets fresh washed with lavender detergent/softener/dryer sheets.

Woke up at 4:00 am for no good reason and never got back to sleep. Argh! :rage: For the time I was asleep it seemed more restful though and I don’t feel like I’m on another planet right now. Lots of back pain still and I’m wearing TENS unit again but that has little (I think) to do with the sleep interruption. Gotta get some really good sleep soon as I don’t think this is healthy in the least…


(Ashley) #111

Maybe try a natural sleep medication? Melatonin is natural. I think NyQuil even does a sleep medication now.

(OldFatJoe) #112

Tried them all over the years. I’ve had insomnia off and on all my life. It’s just gotten worse since the diet change. Never liked Melatonin. Always feel too weird when I get up. Valerian root used to work well. Also Aleve PM. Getting to sleep is no problem. It’s staying asleep for more than 2-4 hours that is driving me nuts.

I’m starting to understand why so many rock stars are taking and overdosing on prescription substances just to get a few hours of good shut eye. I’d almost like to have surgery again for ANY reason. I’ve had several surgeries on my arms, hands and digits over the years. Nothing beats general anesthesia for a true rest period. It just sucks when they keep waking you up after surgery. I always tell them to just LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME SLEEP!!! :grinning:


(back and doublin' down) #113

self hypnosis for sleep? guided meditation for sleep? There’s some great options for free on YouTube

(OldFatJoe) #114

Tried that too. I remember over 30 years ago seeing a self hypnosis book at the grocery check stand for a buck or so. It worked wonders for me at the time to get to sleep. I’ve tried to apply it to go back to sleep lately with no luck.

Until I discover why I’m waking up early in the first place I probably won’t figure out the remedy.




(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #116

If you’re willing to take NyQuil, have a shot of a good Scotch instead. Your taste buds will thank you. If you’re going to drink that much alcohol, it ought to be alcohol worth drinking, in my opinion. (My first drunk was on NyQuil, and I can still remember the godawful taste.)

(Roy D Rushing Jr ) #117

I’m having the sleep thing too. Go to bed somewhere between 10:00 and 11:00. Wake up somewhere between 2-3. Go back to sleep, wake up between 4-5. Go back to sleep, wake up late for work. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it’s my body crying out for carbs while I sleep. I had gotten into the habit of waking up and snacking over the last couple of years. The sugar always put me down for the night, but it left me groggy the next day too. I seem to be getting fairly good sleep when I get it because I’m not dead on my feet during the day, but I still hope this passes soon.

(OldFatJoe) #118

I don’t wake up craving anything other than an answer to WHY?! It’s driving me absolutely nuts to keep getting only 3-4 hours of sleep at best. If non prescription meds were put in front of me right now I would gladly pay for them. That’s how bad it’s gotten for me. Can’t blame it all on the new diet though I’m sure it is in some responsible.

Gotta work through it and make this a big success. Still losing weight and “feel” lighter. Even my daughter commented this morning that it looked like I lost some more weight. I’ll keep up with the Keto but if the sleep situation doesn’t change soon I’m not sure what to do. I may be forced back to the DARK SIDE.


(Ron) #119

There are some interesting articles in this thread if you have time to look.

(Ashley) #120

It’s not the same formula as NyQuil, it’s a sleep medication, think it’s called zquill