Old man just trying to keep breathing

(Candy Lind) #61

It IS really good, and most days it’s really easy to make. I think there’s a homemade mayo thread on here somewhere …


Sucralose is dangerous to your health. Avoid it.

(Ron) #63

Do you have evidence or is this just opinion?


You can Google it the same as I can. I would not trust the fda or any other government agency. They all seem to be bought and paid for or headed by former industry drones. Look at what happened with thefda and aspertame . But bottom line if you want to eat poison go right ahead. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/10/new-study-of-splenda-reveals-shocking-information-about-potential-harmful-effects.aspx

(OldFatJoe) #65

I can appreciate the pro and con posts on sweeteners but let’s please not let it get out of hand. :wink: The lack of concrete proof on the good/bad health aspects of ANY food products we can choose to consume is why people like me are fat and in poor health. This is the one and only area I would like the government to step in and force food suppliers to “healthify” their food offerings.

Would this impact fast food joints? You bet! Would this impact soft drink companies? You bet! Would this impact all processed food suppliers? You bet! Would we adapt to the change in taste it would cause? You bet! And we’d all be healthier!!

So many diet methods out there and every one of them claim to be the only one that works. For the last 10+ years I’ve been reading labels and buying based on low calorie, low fat and high protein. I kept getting fatter. Did I keep eating some bad stuff? Of course I did but VERY little of it. Miracle Whip seems to be a big problem here but if I have some once every 2 months that’s a LOT. I do love a bologna and cheese sandwich with MW and mustard with a bowl of split pea soup. I just don’t have it that often. As a rule I try to eat what was previously thought to be healthy. On Keto I’m finding it’s not. So many diets out there. No wonder we’re so confused and in such poor health. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Keto will be the one that finally works for me.


(Bacon for the Win) #66

This is how we got into trouble in the first place! You’re rocking it Joe, no need for interference from Uncle Sam.

(OldFatJoe) #67

OK. Getting just a bit off the beaten path here but what about Keto apps? If there is a more proper area for this question please let me know and I’ll post there.

Android phone only app is OK but would prefer something phone/desktop so I can see it on a monitor big enough for my old eyes to see. My new phone has a 6" screen but it’s still a P.I.T.A. to see.

I used the free NOOM app for about four years and stuck to it as best I could. Lost maybe 15 pounds but gained it all and then some back. Being mostly calorie conscious wasn’t the right method for me obviously. It did open my eyes a bit to how badly I had been eating in the past while reading labels and making adjustments to my diet. Got kind of tired of the app constant badgering me to eat a missed lunch or walk more steps. With my job it wasn’t always possible to follow exactly what they wanted so I finally deleted it as it just became irritating. I also don’t use Facebook and was tired of it constantly trying to get me to “like” them and post there etc! I still have NOOM Walk on the phone and average 5-7,000 steps per day. It looks like 10,000 is the preferred. That seldom fits into my work day though.

Just looking for something that maybe has a database of foods that I can search to see if they are Keto friendly before I even go to the store or place an online order. I use Walmart Grocery pickup a LOT. If you could see the inside of the local Walmart stores in my area you’d order online for pickup as well…

Google Play Store is filled with “Keto” apps. Would like to hear from actual users here of the ones that are worth installing.


(Jennifer ) #68

Hi Joe!

I’m no stranger to keto on a strict budget. My first year out of college, I was living on my own on a paycheck of $800-$1000 a month. Here’s I ate every week (I put asterisks next to items that required weekly purchasing):

*Frozen veggies
Ground beef
Chicken thighs
*Shredded cheese
*Sour cream
Heavy cream

I actually SAVED money once I went keto. Eating carbs was way more expensive, plus soon I was only eating a couple times a day or once a day. Yeah, I ate the same thing all the time but I didn’t really care.

I’m terms of apps, My Fitness Pal has a downloadable extension that keto-fies it on your computer. It doesn’t work on your phone anyway. Both the computer app and the extension are free. A quick google will lead you to the extension. It makes MFP track your net carbs.

Also - do you guys have an Aldi near you? They’re owned by the same people who own Trader Joe’s, and they’ve recently made a commitment to stocking CHEAP, organic foods of all kinds. At first I thought that aldi’s Meat would surely kill me, but my dietician (who personally does keto and fasting herself) feeds her whole family from there. Might be worth checking out and comparing the prices.

Finding a butcher would probably be really helpful. We also find really really cheap meat deals in BJ’s (it’s like a Sam’s Club). We get pork belly there for a great deal…everywhere else they tell us it’s a “speciality item” and we’d have to order a huge quantity of it…even our local butcher doesn’t carry it. But pork belly is hugely dense with fat (energy) so you really get your money’s worth. Chicken thighs and fatty ground beef are usually a great price point there and at normal grocery stores too. Other than ribeyes, usually the fattier the meat, the cheaper the price. So frankly that works out for us.

Good luck with your journey. Sounds like you have people around you that are invested as well, which makes everything easier. My fiancé and I are both keto and her support has made everything possible.

(Meg Taylor) #69

Hi Joe, I’m there with you. I’m new to this site but want to share my experience. At first you body, mind and spirit keeps pulling you toward crap but I promise it stops, and in its place is energy, a better outlook and greatly reduced appetite (that’s where the cost savings comes in) I shop sales - if iceberg is on sale this week, that’s the base of my salads. I always have eggs on hand. My first 7-10 days I ate much more than I do now. If you can grin and bear it, the grocery bills will go down and your energy will go up. I no longer spend any money on the aisles of the market - you’ll see the savings. You can do this! The changes are miraculous. I wish you the best’


Joe, you are making excellent progress, keep up the good work!

(Jo) #71

I use cronometer to track everything I eat. It is not a KETO app per se but it does the job for me. It has a web interface and an app that interface seamlessly. I can also track biomeasurements (weight, blood pressure, glucose, ketones etc, as well as exercise.

(Shelley) #72

You and your family can do this! Congratulations for making your health a priority (better late than never, right😉). The most important thing is to avoid the carbs, don’t worry about high quality (organic, grass fed, etc) if you can’t afford it. There are bargains out there. Keep asking for information and support.
Looking forward to hearing about all of your successes!

(Greg Borchert) #73

Yes, I believe that the ketogenic lifestyle would be the saving grace for you. Biologically, we are hard wired to prefer fat as our primary source of fuel, from both dietary sources and our stored body fat. The lie we have all been told our entire lives is that a high carbohydrate, largely grain based diet should form our dietary foundation. It is a lie, a profound lie, and it is causing people to endure a debilitating march towards death.

I am 67 years old. I used to weight 315 pounds, at 6’1" tall. That’s a BMI of 42. I was a heart attack waiting to happen. I started cutting carbohydrates twenty years ago, lost 115 pounds or so, and equipped with the knowledge I have gained over the years have kept the weight off and more. This morning I weighed 185, with a body fat of 13.8%. I went from barely being able to walk around the block to becoming a somewhat competitive athlete.

It’s never too late! It starts with cutting carbohydrates and eliminating unhealthy fats. It starts with relying on healthy and affordable green vegetables. If it’s processed in a factory somewhere and comes in a box or a can it’s really not food. Green vegetables, broccoli, avocado, eggs, cheese, antibiotic and hormone free meat and poultry and fish. Coconut and olive and avocado oil, mayo and dressings made with these good oils. Some root vegetables are OK though tend to be loaded with carbs so you have to watch them. the same is true for most fruits, though berries in moderation are fine. I buy frozen berries so I can eat what i want and they won’t go bad. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Once you are three or so weeks into a ketogenic diet you discover that your hunger naturally subsides, so you don’t eat as much and spend less.

In terms of exercise, start walking. Get some resistance bands and start some strength training at home. Many Medicare Supplement plans offer Silver Sneakers which provides free access to a host of local recreation centers and gyms. Focus on being active sensibly. Move a lot. Park farther away from the store so you have to walk a bit father.

I know how this stuff works. You can do much better than just keeping breathing! You can literally transform your life! Reach out to me if you want to connect directly.

(OldFatJoe) #74

You guys are something else. The positive responses I keep seeing really push me to continue to complete the Keto jump. We’re still taking baby steps right now though. My daughter made a full on Keto dinner last night that was to die for and she put it together based only on what she had read. Unfortunately she didn’t save her recipe as it was a little of this and a little of that trial to see if we’d like it. We LOVED it!

Many are pushing us to dump all the bad stuff we still have in the pantry and go 100% Keto. That just isn’t going to happen. We’ll eat it up as we can fit it into the menu. Soon we will be full on Keto but only after we eat or donate the non Keto stuff.

As of 12:30 tomorrow I’m officially unemployed as our contract has expired. I have a resume in with the campus and as luck would have it I have an interview at 1:15 tomorrow! I Should be a shoe in as I’m actually way overqualified but you just never know. If I don’t get it then money will be beyond tight until I find something else. Will try to keep healthy diet as #1 priority.


(Doug) #75

Good deal, Joe. Hey, none of us are ‘perfect,’ and anything you do in the direction of keto eating will be a help. Fingers crossed for you.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #76

Good luck Joe!


Good luck with the interview! :grinning:

(OldFatJoe) #78

Thanks for the encouraging words. May hear as early as Monday about the job. They prefer to promote from within but there is still hope I guess.

Just did a little Keto shopping today. Mostly for sweeteners and eggs. I much prefer Truvia packets to Stevia liquid. We have both so I’ll try to work my way to the liquid stuff but I’ll probably end up staying with the Truvia even though it’s not the absolute best choice.

We had Keto grilled cheese sandwiches yesterday made with 90 second keto bread, cheddar and sliced ham. Awesome! Right now I’m eating fried mozzarella with za’atar seasoning.and salami. I’m loving all the new foods we’re eating. Already dropped a few pounds too. Winner, winner, chicken (unbreaded) dinner!


(Rob) #79

Or crushed-pork-rind “breaded” chicken… :yum::yum:

Keto FTW!

Congrats on all your progress already and good luck with the job hunt. I was there 3 months ago…


I have good news for you,I am poor too and I found that keto/carnivore is possible on budget,I am doing this only 20 days but it seems that it is about 5 euro a day.

Prices in my country are not too different than US,so I say,dont worry about food money.Also,I strongly recommend strenght training for muscular hypertophy,in my opinion,deadlift and squat is better than running for health and fat burning.