Odd and Unexpected Benefits I've Experienced


Even if it doesn’t, with all the other benefits I’ve gained, this lifestyle is still a win-win for me.


I baffled my dentist when I told him I had less tartar on my teeth because of eating keto. He kept telling me there was no connection between the two, but I can’t argue with the evidence. I have a gap between two teeth where tartar normally builds up, except when I go keto. There’s no doubt in my mind that there’s a connection.

(hottie turned hag) #43

@Noapples4u YES ME TOO (toothy grin —> :grin: )

Now unlike the dermatologic benefits abovementioned this one seems easy to explain, as tartar and eventually, plaque are from bacteria and bacteria found in one’s mouth thrives on a high glucose environment.

(Marianne) #44

Interesting; did not know that. This forum is a well-spring of information.

(Marianne) #45

Another thing I am loving is that on my right arm, I have lose almost all of the fat pad I had above my wrist (which I detested!). I have lost on the left wrist as well, but not as much. That one still has a little to go.