OCT 2021 Maintenance Check-in


I was a programmer. My elegant clothing meant my favorite black t-shirt with a skull on it :smiley: Never dressed up for a job interview let alone a normal dayā€¦ Our secretary dressed up nicely, the other folks wore whatever they pleased, between sane limits.

I am a hermit now. I have certain standards but I always wear comfy practical clothes.

(Pete A) #22

147.4 this morning!

(Jane) #23

We call them ā€œbird womenā€ and no thanks. Iā€™ll take a bit of extra padding (fills out the wrinkles! LOL) along with muscle tone. I canā€™t life the 80-lb bag of cement mix like my husband can, but I can lift and carry 40-50 lbs.

As for maintenance - still 7-8 lbs above my stable weight and grrrā€¦ seems to be my new ā€œsetpointā€ after COVID lifestyle changes. Oh well, I am not fat anymore, in great shape and lots of energy.

(KCKO, KCFO) #24

That pretty much describes me as well.


My mom totally lifted the 50kg cement bagā€¦ :smiley: I was 40 years younger (not a kid) and admired her as I couldnā€™t do the same :smiley: The bag is hard to grab and itā€™s a serious weight for someone not used to physical workā€¦

But 40-50lbs is quite light. I chest press with it (more like 40 than 50 ;)) and I am super weak. Not elderly, though, I hope I will be loads stronger thenā€¦ Until some point, at least.

I always liked to carry weights just not to a long distance, thatā€™s tiring, not so fun. I showed off with grain bags as a kid :smiley:

I am envious. Low-ish energy (except when totally low), maybe 40lbs extra since many yearsā€¦ I still couldnā€™t figure out how to eat little, itā€™s not my style. Theoretically I know how, just things happen. Oh well.

I stubbornly hope in carnivore OMAD and at least a single longer fast per monthā€¦ And exercise! I am getting stronger and itā€™s very good news.
My SO is worried that he wonā€™t be able to lift my weighs. But if he would start, he could get stronger in no time, I am very weak, still a beginner and he is male and younger too :smiley: But I want muscles more :wink:
He only has muscular legs, his arms are as tiny as mine, just longer :stuck_out_tongue: