Nuts-only diet

(German Ketonian) #22

Indeed! Perhaps I should apply for a patent :grin:

(Rach) #23

Any update on how you’re going with it? It’s very interesting!

(German Ketonian) #24

Hey there,

still going with my nuts only diet - nothing new so far. I keep my intake around 3000kcals daily, 2500 of which come from nuts. The rest are oil and some green leafy veggies. My weight is stable and I feel great! That’s pretty much it :slight_smile:

(German Ketonian) #25

I ended my nuts-only diet yesterday with 400 grams of almonds and a high-fat olive oil salad… No weight gain or loss, I am still feeling awesome. I usually had OMAD 4 times a week, the rest TMAD (usually having the salad as lunch, the nuts being my large dinner).

I’ve thrown in some fatty fish 1-2 times a week for the omega-3. I also tried to consume almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, brazils and pilis in roughly the same total gram amounts. Given that walnuts also contain quite some Omega-3, I do not believe that my inflammation markers have gone up significantly, but I don’t know.

All I can say, that I feel well, nothing aches or feels off. I don’t know how susceptible I am for inflammation or anything (probably not that much). But in the light of my experiences, I view this whole Omega-ratio debate which some skepticism, TBH. I believe there is much more to fats and inflammation than the ratio. Much more important, I believe is to distinguish “healthy” from “unhealthy” sources of fat, which undoubtedly corresponds with the Omega ratios. Yet, I don’t think that nuts , even if consumed to such an extreme extent, are “unhealthy” by any means, even they probably raised my Omega-6 intake considerably (N=1 disclaimer applies, of course!).

One thing to note also is that my blood sugar in the morning has dropped significantly! Before starting this, I had “suffered” from the dawn effect and adaptive glucose sparing. Now, my fasting BG levels are down from 105 to the higher 70s, so quite significantly! Also, I measured BG levels post-prandial after consuming the “nuts for the day”. My dataset contain 35 entries and the average BG levels are:

T000: 77
T030: 75
T060: 77
T090: 78
T120: 74

So all in all, I view this experiment as a success. And I felt satisfied and full most of the time (I guess the fiber helped!).


very interesting and thanks for your details and results.