NSV: Back into size 40 pants!

(Justin Traer) #1

Upon coming home from a short trip to the other side of Canada, I had to look around my closet for a clean pair of jeans to wear…

I had to go to my ‘too small’ pile and I found that my older 38’s almost fit and that I fit comfortably into a set of size 40’s.

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #2


(Justin Traer) #3


(cheryl) #4

That calls for a happy dance.


That’s awesome!! My too-small pile has been so sadly forgotten for a few years now, hoping to give it some love soon. Aren’t you glad you kept them? :grinning:

(Justin Traer) #6

I’m very glad I’ve kept them! I never got rid of clothes that I got too fat for, I wasn’t allowing myself to accept that I was never getting back to that size. I’ve yo-yo’d enough over the years to know better then getting rid of clothing because I got fatter.

I will hopefully purge my ‘too big’ collection of clothing soon. I have a suit, a lot of shirts… some jeans – they all have to go. I look like I inherited my wardrobe from an older brother or something.

I have to take that leap of faith that I can manage to maintain a smaller body size and not have those larger sizes as backups. I know I can do it now with keto + IF. The larger clothing is kinda like a safety net that I need to dispose of.

(Karen) #7

Oh ya!!

(Brian) #8

I’m right there celebrating with ya, Justin!!

I didn’t have any size 38 pants even in the “I have a dream collection” so when I get there, I’m gonna have to buy them. Don’t want many of them, though, as I don’t know quite where I’m gonna end up. Maybe 36? Don’t know. It’s been so long since I’ve been down at that weight that I really just don’t remember.

Any idea of where you think you’ll end up? I’m shooting for a loose target in the low to mid 190’s. That’s where I remember feeling good. But I have given myself permission to adjust that figure when I get closer. “One-derland” will definitely be worth celebrating!

(Justin Traer) #9


Given that I’m 6’3" and fairly muscled, I’m hoping that I can get to 220-240… I think my BF% would be very low at that mass. I doubt I’ll be able to see ‘onderland’. Time will tell!

I started at ~370, and I’m back down to 290. Many years ago when I was in the 250-270 range I was looking pretty good but I was also very active and single at the time. I clearly still had excess fat then too.

I think the last time I was in 36’s was highschool. I think I could see that pant size in the next year or two. I’ve always found that getting a straight leg cut was more important than the waist size for overall comfort since I have large calf muscles. If I stay in size 38, but my BF% is low, I’d be thrilled too.

I remember being 180 in Highschool and I know that the 20 years of various training has put on more LBM than that teenage version of me had.

This does get me thinking… How old are those 38’s? LOL

(Brian) #10

That’s awesome, Justin! You’re down like 80 pounds!

You’re a lot taller than me. I’m only 5’10" or so but have always been heavier built than I appear.

I do remember back when I was a teenager, I was pretty close to where all of the charts said I was at an ideal weight but never felt all that good being that low. Don’t know why. But I felt better pushing slightly into the “overweight” category so that’s my intended target. Many in our family are the “short stocky” types. I’ve always thought my body proportions would look more natural if I were maybe 6’ or 6’1". Ended up with short legs, what can I say. LOL!!

I was kind of afraid to step on the scale towards the last of my fat days. I officially said that I was 285 but I have to think I had to have been pushing 300. I don’t really know. But I do know I don’t ever want to go back. I’m seeing the lower 220’s right now and have bumped right up to the edge of the 2-teens. It seems like my body has to go down and touch something and then bump back up again, kinda like a kid poking a snake. But it slowly gets more and more comfortable being lower so I’ll take that. Saw 220.0 a couple of weeks ago after a couple of days of OMAD and then it jumped back up closer to the mid 220’s to hang out for a while. Then yesterday, I saw 221.0 when I wasn’t even trying. It’ll come. It took 16 years to put it on, I have a year or two to take it off.

Congrats again on the awesome weight loss!

(James H Shaffer) #11

started out wearing 56-58’s last fall, now wearing 46’s and there getting loose, thinking I will be in to 42’s by mid fall…hopefully :slight_smile:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #12

Hooray for you! :bacon::bacon:

(Justin Traer) #13


(Justin Traer) #14

I did it! My closet is nicely organized and I know that everything in there is something I fit into… It feels good.

(cheryl) #15

that must be a GREAT feeling !! :grin: