November 2019 Weight Maintenance Check In


Wanted to get this up on time, so a few hours earlier this month.

Hope everyone stays away from the Halloween candy and other goodies.


OCTOBER 2019 Weight Maintenance Check In
(Jane) #2


Yep my scream weight has been seen on the scale (150.2). Gonna fast for 72 hours next week so I can reset. I miss the empty feeling of fasting!!!

(Trudy) #3

63.3kg this morning, maintenance of 63kg. Was 65kg earlier in the week after my maltitol slip up! Hope to maintain over Christmas.

(Eleanor ) #4

I lucked out. I don’t buy candy cuz we don’t get trick or treaters. If I want sweets I make a chocolate mug cake w/peanut butter.

(Central Florida Bob ) #5

Candy? Other than 90% chocolate, I haven’t had anything like that in so many years I have no idea when. 10? 20? Could be.

Anyway, I’m here. My goal for the rest of the year is to lose those last five pounds to get to the bottom of my goal range.


Check out this thread. Jill has gone from 16/14 to size 2 pants this year and is maintaining currently. She looks so great.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #7

So, I have been neglecting the maintenance check in. Not because I’m not maintaining. But because maintenance is boring. All the right kinds of boring.

Then I read the October thread. Sure, it isn’t a thrill a minute… but it was so nice to read! Truely, this is an underrated joy.

Question for y’all…

I like some coconut oil in my coffee, but only with a good dose of cream. But I would also like to restrict my eating window to 6-8 hours. Black coffee is fine with me, but I feel like I want the mental boost of coconut oil earlier in the day.

I realize I haven’t asked a question yet.

Does anyone else deal with this dilemma? Do you just chug a spoonful of oil? Do you find having the oil later in the day still helps?


If you are doing IFing have some coconut oil in your coffee. If you are trying to follow Dr. Panda’s Time Restricted Eating plan, even the black coffee is off limits. I had to do some reseach on that when I was trying to figure out TRE protocol. Surprise, anything besides water counts as opening the eating window.
Personally I didn’t notice a change when I tried coconut oil in my coffees, I did just as well with HWC alone, some days I don’t bother with that either. If it helps your focus, etc. go for it.

And yes, sometimes this WOE does get a bit boring. That is why I am always looking for new recipes to challenge myself with, converting old favorites can be fun as well.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #9

I’m not bored with the eating! Just that saying, “All the same here, nothing to report,” is on the boring side.

I’m not ready, nor do I see myself ever being ready, to do a no coffee fast. IF or otherwise. But I do think I’ll stick with the oil for now, but not do a big 'ol creammy eggy meal in a coffee cup for a while and see how it goes.

Thanks for the feedback!

(KCKO, KCFO) #10

Just put up the Dec. thread