Not Hungry. What should I do about Macros?

(Cowboy) #1

I got started on Keto after listening Richard and Carl on 2KetoDudes podcast.

I have been doing Keto for last 5-6 weeks. Usually I have 1 cup BPC in morning, lunch at 2 to 2:30 pm (before keto I was hungry around 11:30 am) and some dinner around 7pm.
Something new happened 4 days ago. I woke up and was feeling not too hungry. I drank 1 cup BPC out of habit. I was not feeling hungry at all when lunch time approached. So I skipped lunch. Then came the dinner and hunger was not there either. This has been happening for last 4 days.

Not sure what is going on.

  • Is this normal ?
  • Is this start of Fat Adaption ?
  • I keep hearing EAT when hungry and eat fat till satiety. But when I am not hungry, should I just eat ?
  • With low calories for the day, not sure if my body is getting adjusted to this lower calories?
  • With lower fat in diet, Will i slow down my weight loss ?

Please some guidance would be great.


(Stickin' with mammoth) #2


Most likely. Happened that way for me, anyway.


When the body wants calories, it does that hunger thing. Keto means it can get what it needs from existing fat stores. Think about it as being many, many meals ahead of schedule and don’t worry about it.

It’s individual and you’ll just have to enjoy the process of figuring out what your particular ratios will be. Some people eat %50 fat, some people subsist almost entirely on it. Some switch mid-way. You wait and you watch.

In the meantime, hang out in the recipes section on here and have fun!

(Genevieve Biggs) #3

Not hungry? Don’t eat. :smiley: It’s a glorious freedom. :sunglasses:

(Stickin' with mammoth) #4

Especially when you’re allergic to kitchen chores. Yee-haw.

(Patrick B.) #5

Personally, I discovered the same thing which is why I decided just to eat 1 meal a night until full (trying to get all the protein in) in a 2-hour window… IF 22 (Intermittent Fasting 22 hrs).

And now I’m 45 hours into a 3-day fast.

(Steak and iron) #6

Lots of people on here go days or WEEKS without eating at all. This is the magic of keto!

(Cowboy) #7


Was your weight loss slowing/stalled at that time? I assume IF helped with that.

(Cowboy) #8

I agree. But I am still early in my journey about 5-6 weeks. That’s why I ask.

Thanks. I am looking forward to doing IF and losing about 60 lbs. :slight_smile:

(Stickin' with mammoth) #9

Tread lightly. If you can fast easily without discomfort, go for it. If you find you have to “push through” unpleasantness to get there you may end up stressing out your body to the point that it releases cortisol, which effs up your keto game by stimulating insulin. Dump the No Pain, No Gain philosophy, that’s for Weight Watchers.

(Patrick B.) #10

No, I haven’t had a stall yet and I’ve lost 40 lbs as of today (since October 31st). I just noticed I wasn’t as hungry and liked worrying about one meal. I love to cook. I hate to decide what I want to eat. :grin:

(Ashley Haddock) #11

Sounds like signs that your body is becoming fat adapted! It’s a weird feeling to not be hungry, isn’t it? Agree with everyone else here, listen to your body and eat when hungry.