Normal, or abby-normal, pooping?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #21

As far as coffee goes on a keto diet, I’ve learned the following:

  1. Coffee stimulates ketosis, so it’s good.
  2. Coffee inhibits ketosis, so it’s bad.

Pick one, your choice! :grin:

(Denise) #22

Noooooooo, I want you to pick for me, I’m tired of making all the decisions:joy:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #23


There! Chose for you!

(Denise) #24

This is great! A guy I can manipulate and control :wink: Just kidding, I just follow better than I lead:grin:

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #25

I was just thinking, with poop, I never see undigested food anymore!
There was always some tomato skin or sweet corn or unidentifiable stuff. I’ll take that as a plus :slight_smile:

(Fast Freddy) #26

Plus its technically I plant food…so, true carnivores will avoid it

(Denise) #27

things are better, even when I eat red meat for dinner, had rib eye last night, but I’ve been doing ACV when I was getting the tummy aches after I went to bed. The last straw was when I was up at midnight having to go, no more of that. So far so good with the ACV but I have to guard my teeth with that as they say it can harm enamel, plus other issues.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #28


But as Amber O’Hearn points out, carnivores make an exception for medicines, which invariably come from plants, and coffee can perhaps be accommodated that way, lol! :grin::grin:

(Denise) #29

Isn’t most of our issues from not following the ole “everything in moderation”? I mean I know some are allergic to certain things or genetic-wise but the rest of us?? I think if I hadn’t been a junk-food junkie most of my life, I wouldn’t have gotten diabetes. My gramma had it and I know how she loved everything “sweet” and was quite heavy, even in her youth.