NoCarbvember Adventure!

(Daisy) #421

Raw animal foods are (allegedly) easier digested and the nutrients are more bio available. I’m not science-y and will never base my points on science, just my experience. When I eat raw beef (well sourced), I always feel so good after, almost euphoric. I don’t even have to add salt to it. The flavor and nutrient profile are spot on perfect! There are times I want them raw, and sometimes that I just look at it and say nah, I’m going to cook this one lol. But there is just something special about eating it raw! I will only raw the beef I get from my cow, or my local butcher, never my cheap markdowns from the grocery store.


Back to OMAD, yay. Things got out of hand lately… I think it will be a not really meaty week - until Saturday, we go shopping and I plan to get more meat than ever :smiley: So my last week will be meatier than usual I guess :slight_smile: It suits my desires now and there will be Zornfast as well, I expect a lower-cal week than the last one.

My weight does what it does best: stays the same. But my winter pants feel like the did in the spring again (=loosest since I have them). I really hate when I get thicker, it’s bad enough I never get slimmer but the oppposite direction? Unacceptable especially longer term. I extremely rarely and slowly, hardly gain so I am sensitive to a little too as it shouldn’t happen.
Oh well, one day I lose patience and lose fat, it’s not like it’s super hard, I just refuse to make much effort :slight_smile: But I have simpler ideas first. Like OMAD, again. Or something close to it.

Today I ate simple, eggs, smoked pork chuck, cheese… It was nice.

(Vic) #423

Second that.
Not always, a few weeks back I had half the food raw, now I’m more into fried and raw on the inside.

(Daisy) #424

Yep!! If I’m not eating it raw, I’m eating it seared on the outside, raw on the inside. Always! It wasn’t a long leap to eat things raw lol. That’s how I’ve eaten it for years.

(Vic) #425

Rabbit and blood sausage.

Cheese and crab for desert

1 glass of milk


I still fry or bake the hell out of everything… I don’t like raw things… Liver needs a loooooooooong time if it’s me… :smiley: 1 hour is normal.

Finally we ordered our little piglet and blood sausages (liver ones too but it’s full with rice so just a bit, even Alv didn’t want much of it) :slight_smile:

(Daisy) #427

Haha you’ll come around to the dark side eventually :woman_supervillain:

(Daisy) #428

I would love to try blood sausage some day

(Vic) #429

I’ down to 2 minutes, raw or pink on the inside :relaxed:

Or just raw :crazy_face:


Liver is special as everyone says impossibly tiny times but if it’s too raw after 50 mins, I surely fry it more :slight_smile:

That is a BIG amount, though and interestingly, pig liver gets ready quicker than chicken… What is the logic in that? I thought chicken liver is softer. I am not completely sure. Pig liver is odd. Whenever someone else makes it, it’s hard. I fried it once and it was soft… And took little time but I used a smaller amount so of course. I can do chicken liver under 30 mins too if it’s not much… But pork takes less.

Oh well, I fry it until I deem it right then eat it up happily and that is what matters.

One day I will ask about raw meat from you folks but I am so not there yet. Raw meat sounds damn scary, no matter what (except fish in good Japanese restaurants and cured pork). I know some kinds from good source and fresh must be safe under the right circumstances, so many people eat raw meat… But it still sounds scary to me. And not tempting anyway BUT I am an open-minded, curious person, actually… Who has a very serious lack of beef since maybe 7 months and that is what people eat raw, right? I kind of trust the beef farm (but I have a healthy dose of paranoia if it’s about my health and well-being), they sell the meat on the day when they butcher the animal, I can even cut and fry the outside part…
Well it doesn’t matter yet.

(Vic) #431

No, I’ll taste anything raw and if its nice I’ll eat it.
Its wise to freeze the meat for week first. Personally I dont care, I just eat it raw anywhere in the world.

I totally rebelled against food guidlines and culinary cultural correctness.

I’m free now to eat cooked, raw anything that is appropriate for human’s.


I definitely don’t want to risk parasites so some conditions must be met. I just don’t know exactly what kind of conditions, it was never important for me in the past. I know the basics only, the meat should be quite fresh and from reliable sources. I wouldn’t eat raw meat from the supermarket or uncured raw pork but I really know little about these things…

(Daisy) #433

I mainly eat raw beef because that’s what I can easily source locally. I do eat pig, chicken, and goat organs raw because they are well sourced. And my eggs are from my chickens, so I trust them to be raw. But my general pork, lamb, chicken etc I buy on markdown at the grocery store, so I’d never risk eating them raw.


I have no problems with raw egg eating. I eat very much raw eggs, both yolks (as far as I know, that’s even better raw, I mean, nutrition wise) and whites (I eat so much biotin that it’s fine but I don’t eat very much raw whites anyway).
Raw egg yolks can’t be replaced, they are so creamy and wonderful :slight_smile: I would be quite miserable without them!
I researched that a lot :slight_smile: It’s possibly to pasteurize eggs at home too but I surely won’t bother with that ever. But what if the meat has parasites? I am somewhat paranoid if it’s about my health. And I like very well fried meat anyway… I am just curious and surely will research this topic at some point. Now I am just lazily waiting for the others’ input :smiley: I am in no hurry.
And sometimes I wonder how one should handle raw meat stuff, I mean, cutting board and wherever the raw liquids go… I so didn’t have this while I simply never touched meat… I want to be super safe… I only have a kickass immune system but it doesn’t work against everything… I don’t overdo things this far.

(Vic) #435

Thats were the freezing comes in, it kills all parasites.
I havent had any parasites in my adult life. As a kid a few times.
I dont thing its very important if you eat cooked or raw. Either is good for you.

(Daisy) #436

Like @Carnivoor said, freezing kills the parasites plus if you look especially at the organs, you would see signs of parasites :smile:


congrats on your down trend!

plus I am doing just the same, going a tad more christmasy this year too cause of just needing it :slight_smile:

prayers for your Dad and wishing everything goes well for you guys!!!

that is so cool to read KD…you sure hit your stride very well on carnivore! glad you are doing so great and loving those pics!!

yea me too. I am a super crispy outside and blue rare on the inside with my meat now.

(Edith) #438

It’s been a long couple of days so just a quick note:

Today was not perfect. I did have a Diet Coke, my McDonald’s hamburgers for lunch had some onions and ketchup, and dinner was braised oso buco which was cooked with some carrots and tomatoes. While I picked out the meat. I did ingest some pieces of the veggies.

Not stressed about it, but figured I should confess. Tomorrow is another day.


What people are facing out in the “real world”


Toxoplasma is a real concern. The cysts are microscopic.

Occurrence in food
The type of food most often associated with toxoplasmosis is raw or undercooked meat, including lamb, pork, venison, free-range poultry and game meat (Jones et al. 2009; Jones and Dubey 2012; Chumpolbanchorn et al. 2013). Beef consumption is not considered important since cattle are a poor intermediate host (Jones andDubey 2012).

The freezing requires is quite intensive and extensive. Normal refrigerator freezing may not be enough.

Then there is Trichenella (I think mainly in pork?)

Freezing does not reliably kill other parasites that may be found in meat (like certain species of Trichinella ) or harmful bacteria.