No more dog farts!

(Roxanne) #1

A few months ago, hubby and I realized we no longer pass wind, attributed no doubt to the Keto diet. Last night, one of our dogs let loose a high pitched but odourless fart. I looked at my husband as asked … When was the last time one of them farted? And he couldn’t recall. They used to be able to clear a room on a regular basis…back when we gave them left over rice, potatoes or pasta mixed in with their kibble, or the odd piece of bread. Now they get bacon grease or pan drippings…seems they’ve benefited from Keto as well!


Too bad this one can’t be cross-posted and exist in NSV and Humor! :laughing:


No more methane cuddles?


I used to have a hard time when working at altitude (according to Boyle’s low the volume of a gas increases with decreasing pressure)… a week within a ketogenic diet and I hardly experience flatulence. If it’s a lasting effect it’s wonderful!

(Roxanne) #5

It’s a lasting effect for us, can’t speak for others.


The hubs and I just noticed this last night while watching a movie. It’s been 3 weeks since we found Keto and our tails are quiet as can be! (This is definitely not our norm.) :stuck_out_tongue: