Newbie to Keto and working out

(Jason Jackson) #1

So I am just starting to do keto and have fallen off the wagon a couple of times in the span of 3 weeks. I still have managed to lose 10 pounds but dang the cravings are brutal. I am looking for some ideas on good workouts that will help with weight loss as well as strength train. I am not looking to get ripped or anything I just like being strong and healthy. I LOATH cardio but love lifting (resistance machines not free weights).

Current stats for me:
Mid 30’s male

Goal is 240lbs by July and 200-220 by end of the year.

I have finally got my calorie intake down to a weight loss level of 1900ish calories but will be kicking up the workouts so I dont want to get myself into a too negative calorie defecit either.

PS I have researched a ton in regards to circuit training and general strength training but not in conjunction with this type of diet. I usually went carb heavy and protein heavy after workouts and that obviously isnt going to work here.

So in other words HALP!!! And thanks in advance.

(Tessy M.) #2

You’re not alone. But, I hear some cardio is good. I try to stick to HIIT. The Keto Athlete podcasts says a good way to get some cardio in short time and help with keto is 1 minute high intensity, 10 seconds low/rest for 7 cycles, for a total of 8 minutes 10 seconds.

(Jason Jackson) #3

Thank for the email. While I hate I know it’s a necessary evil. When I was working out more last year I typically did 10-15 min of elliptical with my heart rate at around 150 so I know I can do it I just don’t want to. I’d rather just doing a strong weight circuit but with me doing the keto thing I’m having to take a step back and reevaluate.

Crap thing is I know the science I just don’t know a good routine.

(Tessy M.) #4

Yeah, I’m with you. It’s not that I can’t, it’s that I hate doing it. To me, cardio is not relaxing, it’s mind numbing.

(Jason Jackson) #5

Any suggestions on strength training circuits and what types of keto friendly foods to eat for the workout?

(Briton) #6

I do StrongLifts 5x5 and follow the Tabata HIIT protocol. Listening to the ketovangelist pod cast the other day they said don’t really change what you eat just make sure to have some form of protein within four hours of your workout. As for preworkout try some MCT oil or powder. Make sure to get your electrolytes in!