Newbie - three weeks into mostly Carnivore and a sore lower back - right side

(Tom) #21

Greetings spicy cheese. Your post came into my emails - what a surprise!

I have moved on from carnivore - I tried and tried but I just couldn’t thrive on it - I now eat a diet which I call ‘real food’. Mostly animals - beef and eggs - some why protein and some fruit. Nothing processed apart from chocolate. The only vegetables - Kumara (sweet potato) and potato. I avoid all take aways, restaurant food and processed foods.

Have not experienced any more pain as I wrote about in my first post - I suspect it was muscular injury. I like both comments from Gaza and Edith above. Very plausible.

Good luck with your journey - my only advice is whatever you eat you should feel good, have normal digestion and energy and sleep well. All the best to you Spicycheese.