Newbie- so overwhelmed

(Jen ) #21

Hi @roxchic!
I’m a single mama with 2 minions of my own. I eat 100% Keto (I’m new myself- 3 weeks in). It’s super easy! I was worried about the kids and me eating differently- so what I do for dinner is a meat, a veggie, and I make a starch for the kids.

They’re starting to become very interested in Keto, I encourage them to try things- it’s not too hard to convince them to eat bacon! :wink:

It’s very overwhelming in the beginning, but once you start it’s second nature. This forum is the best I’ve found so far! People are real and can help with lots of different things!

Best of luck to you!


I totally get this. If I could eat whatever I want with no health or weight consequences, I would eat mostly pastries and candies.

However, now 10 months in, I can honestly say that I really, really enjoy the food I eat. And many of these foods are items that I couldn’t previously eat often (or much of) without feeling guilty. Bacon, cream, and macadamia nuts, for example (er, not necessarily together, though I suppose that might be good).

Walking through the grocery store yesterday I saw so many holiday foods that I absolutely love. But you know what I love even more? Not being diabetic and feeling great.

You don’t have to make your kids keto, but you don’t have to feed them junk carbs, either. No one benefits from that. And don’t get them carbs that are tempting to you or your husband. Maybe fruit, for example.

I believe some studies have indicated an improvement in ADHD with a low-carb diet, so perhaps the answer is to ultimately ease the kids in that direction.

(Dan Morrison) #23

make it very simple. Don’t worry about fancy recipes. don’t eat any sugar or any high carb food. Stick with clads or non carbs veggies.

I wouldn’t worry to much about how much protein 1st few weeks, just eat protein or fat if hungry, over time you will need and want less.

Typical day for me is BPC in Am, sometimes I eat lunch sometimes I don’t. If I do, can of sardines and an avocado

Supper is usually 8 oz of steak or hamburger and I am full

(naina seth) #24

I suppose processed meats, like sausages, cold cuts, and meatballs often contain added carbs. When in doubt look at the ingredients, aim for under 5% carbs.


I smoked for a good while and would quit and start up all the time. When I finally quit for good my weight just exploded. I still would have a cigar once in a while but I had quit any regular smoking. I still always wanted cigarettes. When I first started keto I was having a cigar once a week every time I stuck to the diet strictly. As the diet progressed nicotine became less and less appealing. After about four weeks i stopped these cigar rewards all together. I think smokers are always addicted for life but this diet has made want nicotine less some how. Could just be because I feel healthier and anything bad I try to ingest bothers me now. Hopefully it helps you in the same way. Good luck.


Hi! As you start eating more low carb, maybe your kids ADHD symptoms will improve! It is worth a try. Since you having trouble getting started, I say eat off Dr. Westman’s list of foods and don’t worry about counting, measuring. Just eat the natural, whole low carb foods (meats, cheeses, veggies, cream). Your family will probably lose weight to just by you cutting out the sugar and starch!

I know getting started can be overwhelming. Don’t worry about perfect just keep doing it!

(Naomi Brewster) #27

Hey @ketojoe I don’t know if this is appropriate - I started keto about 8 months or so ago and was smoking at the time. I tried to quit about 6 times as it didn’t seem congruent with making all the changes to diet without also getting off the fags. Eventually out of despration I switched to vaping. It has worked for me - I know it isn’t ideal but I see it as the lesser of two evils. Haven’t smoked in nearly 3 months. Also there’s an app I found useful (may have been a symptom of how desperate I felt) called ‘Jason Vale’s quit smoking in two hours’. I put aside all cynicism and disbelief and just did what he told me to do. It worked. I know how many times I tried before actually succeeding and am just grateful that finally it worked. Good luck.


like i said i quit a long while back. I would just have occasional situations that where old familiar smoking spots or reactions to emotions that would make me want one. That is what i think will never go away. but like i was saying i feel like i have had less of those moments on keto… Thanks for the tips though living a better life is always appropriate.

(Naomi Brewster) #29

I obviously didn’t read your post with enough attention. And yes healthier habits are always a blessing


No worries some of the best advice I’ve received in life has been on accident. :smile: