Newbie: feeling sick from all the fat

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #21

@Becky_Frey You may find it helpful to eat 10 - 15 grams of milled flax or chia seeds daily. The fiber may help hold the fat in the intestine long enough for it to digest more completely.

(Bob M) #22

I’d place that bet with you.

When I was younger, I was a pseudo-body builder, and got relatively big. I was “pseudo” because I never had the time to truly devote to it, I didn’t have great genetics (OK genetics, but nowhere near Arnold territory), and I never did drugs.

Just being on Twitter and following Ted for a while (don’t follow him now, but used to) led me to this theory. Many of his followers are men, and if not men, then gain gain muscle relatively (everything is relative) easily.

And then if you follow Amber O’Hearn, you see many people on her type of PKD are females of a certain body type.

So, I see trends, although I could always be wrong, and I’m sure that are exceptions - there are always exceptions.