Newbie 101

(Matt Rogers) #1

Hello everyone,

I am on my first week of keto and have already lost 10 lbs, which is awesome! I have tried this diet before and have failed multiple times but this go round I am in a great keto headspace and ready to change my life for the better.

I am a Type 2 diabetic and have been for 7 years now. I am on insulin and metformin to control my blood sugars and other meds to prevent damage to my kidneys and keep my cholesterol low. I am simply tired of stabbing myself everyday and having to take 7 pills each day as well. With what I am hearing on 2ketodudes I have a real possibility of turning things around and that is my goal.

My main motivation is my kids. I have 3 boys and 1 girl all under the age of 4 and I myself am 32 years old. I want to live to see them grow and be a part of their families when they are older. For this reason I need to change my life for the better.

My main concerns I believe that will create problems for me is that I do emotionally eat and this usually kills my diet attempts. Also, I love peanut butter and it is a real problem with a low carb diet. Lastly, I canā€™t seem to kick diet soda, I seem to have an addiction to it and I would love to be able to stop drinking it. I was just wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks that could help me with any of the issues I have listed?

Thanks for your time and I look forward to talking with everyone looking to change their lives as well! Cheers!

(Lazy, Dirty Keto šŸ˜) #2

Try a different kind of nut butter while still being mindful of added sugar / net carbs

And regarding diet soda, try flavored sparkling water like La Croix

Congrats on your progress so far!

(Susan) #3

Welcome to the forum, Matt! We will certainly encourage you to get on track and get in great Keto shape!

I have 5 kids but mine are all about 2 years apart and aged 18,21,23,25 and 27. Yours are so close in age, is there a set of twins in there?

There is an almond nut butter that could replace your peanut butter, as beccs has suggested. Many people love that, you can put it on celery stalks for a nice snack, and give you something to munch on too that is crispy.

Beccs has great ideas, with the alternate butters and La Croix. I am expecting that once you adjusted to the Keto lifestyle, that you will not need this, though.

I personally only drink massive amounts of water, or plain green tea, or plain herbal tea now.

You will adjust in no time if you follow the basic rules of no sugar, no more then 20 grams of carbs, eat proteans and fats, lots of water.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #4

First, donā€™t stress. Take things Iā€™ve at a time.
Lots of people are here to help you, if you need it.

As long as your emotional eating follows keep rules you should be ok. Keep in mind this way of eating doesnā€™t involve counting calories, so as long as the foods are low carb it should hurry you to much. Just keep high fat snacks around!

(Carl Keller) #5

Hi Matt. I would lean on that motivation when you are feeling weak. Ask yourself if you would rather watch your grandchildren grow up or would you rather binge on diet soda and junk food. Be strong and surround yourself with real food so that you can limit temptation.

You can beat your addictions by sticking with the LCHF program. Right now your hormones are in disarray but if you bear down for three or four weeks, your hormones will snap out of it and you will have more control of your hunger and cravings. Thatā€™s going to be the first step in reversing your T2D, getting off those meds and getting your health back.

(Cranford Coulter) #6

I am Type 2 Diabetic. I was on a sliding scale for insulin since I am allergic to 13 meds due to an autoimmune disorder, and no other diabetic meds. I also had high blood pressure. I started keto on Feb. 22. I keep carbs to less than 15g, lots of water, no snacking. Within two weeks, I no longer needed insulin. When I have craved soda, I have had flavored selzer or selzer with a bit of lime juice.
Before starting this way of eating, I would routinely snack all evening. Now I donā€™t feel the need to eat anything after dinner or between meals. I gave up all caffeine and added lots of potassium rich greens and white button mushrooms that lowered my blood pressure allowing me to get off the BP meds.
I believe that this way of eating helps one take control of oneā€™s life. And then one success leads to another. Donā€™t worry about solving every problem at once. There is no rush. Slow, steady progress is good progress.



Keto has been a far better treatment for my T2 diabetes than medications. I used to have an A1c of 7.3 while using insulin and metformin. Since starting keto over 2 years ago, itā€™s been as low as 5.2 without any diabetes medications.

My mom has been a T2 diabetic for decades and started keto earlier this year. She takes repaglinide and struggled to keep blood sugar in the 140ā€™s. Many times since starting keto, sheā€™s had measurements under 100. Sheā€™s cut back on the repaglinide and is still seeing low numbers.

Iā€™m not finding it a problem, as long as it doesnā€™t lead to something that is a problem. I have a sparkling water or diet soda daily. But I also drink a lot of regular water.


In terms of the soda, initially I really missed my cans of Pepsi-Max but switched to sparkling water and now canā€™t get enough of it. I find it really refreshing and so easy to drink the recommended amount now too. I know some have it flavored but Iā€™m sticking to it plain. Hope you continue your journey and feel the benefits soon x

(Marianne) #9

Welcome! Being a younger man, I think you will see quick progress with your weight, plus what we can eat is truly phenomenal in terms of what we have been told is healthy and unhealthy, or what we ate before when ā€œdieting.ā€ - and there are so many other non-scale benefits that you will experience.

I was going to say, get rid of the peanut butter, but with children, you probably canā€™t do that. My advice would be the same with that as the diet pop - donā€™t go there, not even a little bit. I used to be addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper - it was the only thing I would drink (honestly), other than a couple cups of coffee a day - and I would binge on peanut butter right out of the jar. Had to go cold turkey on both. Now, like with smoking, I tell myself, ā€œI donā€™t eat that (or drink) that anymore,ā€ instead of ā€œI canā€™t have that.ā€ Seems like a trivial distinction, but it helped me quit smoking and with my trigger foods. You can still do anything you want, you just choose not to. The only thing I drink now is salt water and a cup of coffee a day. That is the only thing I donā€™t relish, but itā€™s necessary. Donā€™t love it, but I am used to it now. Good luck.

(Susan) #10

You are so right with the saying you choose not to have a thing, as opposed to saying you cannot have it. Reminding ourselves that we have the freedom to choose is so important, enabling ourselves to make the right choices for ourselves, to live healthy, long lives.

That is indeed a very important distinction to be made in this entire process of lifestyle change.

(Matt Rogers) #11

Thanks everyone for all of the advice and I am going to use your tips to help myself succeed. I do have another question. Vegetables? I read an article that says on a keto diet, donā€™t count the carbs associated with green leafy vegetables that grow above ground. Asparagus, green beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts. I also enjoy mushrooms as well. These all have a relatively high carb count but serve as good side dishes for meals. Do I eat them like they have no carbs in them or do I limit the amount I eat like any other food item? Cheers

(Marianne) #12

I count the carbs in everything, even veggies. I think a carb gram is a carb gram; it all metabolizes as sugar.

(Lazy, Dirty Keto šŸ˜) #13

This. I only subtract fiber and sugar alcohols to get net carbs.

(Susan) #14

I count my carbs in everything as well, and try to stick to the lowest carb veggies only., (if I have some of the others, very small small amounts).

(hottie turned hag) #15

I suggest almond butter BUT the kind that is only ground almonds, nothing added. I can eat a jar of this stuff at a sitting so I donā€™t keep it in the house.

Seltzer with lemon or lime; I was Coke addict but it was the carbonation I adored. Seltzer has the fizz I love with zero cals and no artificial sweeteners (these can mess some -not all- folks up).