New Year's Stew


I just made this up.

It has 2 1/2 pounds of beef/pork cubes, one pound of bacon,one pound of sliced ham. Fry it all in small amounts in generous butter, put in a pot with water. Of course any broth works too but this is pretty tasty even without.

Onion,carrot,fennel,parsnip,chillies to taste. Fry it all in butter,too. Add to the pot.

I take fresh thyme and Dende oil to the table for some brazilian twist.


Simmer covered for several hours. Eat with anything, beans, broccoli, cabbage…

Great easy winter food for a few days. Happy new Year from Finland!


I counted macros, the whole pot has 5000 kcal, 450 g fat, 400 g protein, 29 g carbs.

It makes eight portions,more or less depending…
That one percent is fiber.
