New to Muscle Training



Hey! I need some tips. :slight_smile:
I used to do a lot of cardio but with this new WOE I feel extremely comfortable trying to build up my muscles with simple exercises at home.
Examples of what I do are crunches, reverse crunches, leg lifts, I use some 3 lb weights and do arm curls and such. (Can you tell I’m focusing on upper body? Lol. My legs are fairly toned so I’m not worried about them as much.)
What I know is: I need to be keeping my electrolytes up and eating enough protein, doing as much as my muscles allow in 60 second with slow steady reps and working up from there, checking my breathing…
But are there any tips I could use?
Am I going to hurt myself if I workout while fasting? (I haven’t tried it yet but just checking).
I’m brand new to doing resistance exercises/muscle training/weight lifting so I need all the help I can get. Thank you!!!

(Adam Kirby) #2

No you will definitely not hurt yourself training while fasted, there is some evidence that fasted training is superior. My tip for you is, consider doing heavier/more intense upper body exercises. Women have had this bullshit “train with super light weights” idea forced on them for decades now, and it’s ineffective crap. You should train the same way a guy would train upper body - heavy compound exercises. This could be done with a barbell, dumbbells, or calisthenic progressions.

(Shaun Dyer) #3

I work out fasted with heavy weight and sometimes do cardio fasted. I have never had problems related to the fasting. If you use a pre-workout then you might consider adding salt to it. I add 1/2 tsp pink salt to my pre-workout and that works for me.


I weight train 2x a week in basically a fasted state early in the morning - I have an espresso with a drop of cream before the gym.
I would recommend lifting as heavy as you can - 3 sets of 8-12 reps of each exercise. If you can get to a gym don’t be afraid to get in the weights area and on the leg press machine, bench press, lat pulldown, squat ring etc - they are no longer just a male domain!
At home get heavier dumbbells and do the above reps. Planks are great for the core area. Tricep dips on a sturdy chair. Push ups for upper body strength, combine with burpees to get the heart rate up.
The main thing with weight training is ensure you get adequate protein after the workout, so have a good meal including protein and healthy fats post workout.
I’ve also started taking a BHB supplement drink pre workout which is great for both energy and hydration.
Hope that helps!

(Steve ricci ) #5

To avoid raising glucose in the blood working out hard no more than twice a week but make it count. I only work out once a week and I’m sore for days. Light stuff the rest. I found this to be very effective


You work out hard, your blood sugar goes up, it’s a stress response and hardly a reason not to work out regularly.

(Steve ricci ) #7

No it’s not but it’s not nesesary to workout 4 or 5 days a week. That has already been proven especially one keto. Load bearing workout once out twice then light stuff the rest. If your losing weight and you workout hard to often it can be counter productive. This is what I’ve experience with years of crossfit and boxing.

Anyhow diff people respond differently.


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(John) #8

Burning fat means you are taking triglycerides and breaking them into fatty acids and glycerol to use for energy, you still need glucose for your muscles. Eating glucose and causing insulin release is bad, glucose getting into the blood to be transported and absorbed by muscles for use is good.

(Steve ricci ) #9

Ofcorse, all I’m saying is that if your teething to loose weight the raised glucose can hinder the weight loss and slow it down. Ive experienced this myself. When i was lodging weight i sad trying to workout 3-4 times a week and i would not lose. When i went to one time the weight dropped quickly. I consulted sunshine about this and they explained why that happens. Even my friend went through the same thing. Had a trainer and lifting weights through the week, fat was not changing. Finally he just started walking and performing milf workouts, hid bluff sugar remained lower,. He then dropped weight more rapidly. He also then was able to see the signs of ketosis. Nobody is wrong here but theses are my personal experiences. I appreciate the input either way.

(Auden) #10

Exercising while fasted feels SO GOOD. It’s awesome. Just so much energy.

(Auden) #11

One thing that could be helpful is to do really good pushups. Or if you can’t do push-ups, do some negatives and/or pushups with your knees touching the floor.