New to keto please help


(Natassa Kattou) #1

I’m completely new to this but really need to loose 28lb within an 8 month period!
I’m not completely sure I’m how it works so if anyone could break this down as best as possible for me please!

(Allie) #2

Always helps you understand better when you take the time to do your own research.

(Janelle) #3

Is there a link somewhere to the newbie faq section? Someone mentioned it the other day but I’ve never been able to find it on my phone’s browser/mobile version.

(Robert C) #5

First - I would plan to lose 28 pounds in 4 months. Then you can reassess if you don’t get to your goal.

Second - I would not depend just on keto. You may settle at just 10 pounds lost and plateau for a long time. Instead I would suggest keto with Dr. Fung’s protocol. Work up to 2 or 3 36 to 42 hour fasts each week. Get to goal as quickly as possible if the 8 month thing is important to you.

(John) #6

Read the FAQ here:

(Jennibc) #7

Hey! I have lost 30 in the last 8 months so it’s possible! I’d already cut out grain a long time ago and then quit seed oils and upped my healthy fat not quite three years ago and that was good for a very slow loss of about 65 pounds. Last March I completely cut out sugar and am down 29.8. Someone suggested to me that it sounded like I was doing Keto based on what I said I was doing so I looked it up and sure enough! So take out grain/starchy vegetables, legumes, sugar, beer and seed oils (soybean, canola, corn safflower etc.) Eat grassfed butter, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, heavy cream in your coffee. Eat meat, eat leafy vegetables and low sugar fruits. Eat cheese. You can occasionally have a glass of dry wine or liquor (rum, bourbon, gin, etc) with no sweetened mixers. I took off 11 pounds in the first two months of the no sugar and then seemingly stopped. A friend recommended intermittent fasting and that seems to be working. So I stop putting anything in my mouth after 8 pm and other than a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream in my coffee in the morning I don’t eat until noon. I am trying to cut cream slowly putting less and less in it each day and then make my eating window even smaller as I still have about 16 pounds to go until I am no longer overfat. My realistic goal is another 24 and my dream is another 30. Take up walking if you don’t already exercise. A nice brisk walk will have you burning fat without making you super hungry.

(Natasha) #9

This might help as a starting point. Good luck!

(Running from stupidity) #10

Quoted post withdrawn, so this one is following suit.


I lost 60 pounds in 4 months. Keep carbs under 20 grams a day. The less fat you eat the more fat you will burn. Eat less frequently but larger portions. Read every label.

(Robert C) #12

Since this is the newbie section, I would like to clarify.

Eat less fat after you are fat adapted.

If you initially cut fat without being fat adapted you will go into calorie deficit and slow your metabolism (and progress).

(Robert C) #13

The topic of dry fasting should probably be in the extended fasting section - in answer to questions about how extended fasts can be enhanced and what the risks are (but probably not in the Newbies - Getting Started section).

(Cindy) #14

Natassa, here’s what I’m focusing on. <20 grams carbs per day…but I don’t weigh or track macros or anything. I choose instead to see how few carbs I can eat vs pushing that limit.

I eat fatty protein, healthy fats, and then add in some kind of vegetable IF I want it. Leafy greens and non-starchy veggies (nothing that grows in the ground).
Cheese and nuts in limited amounts because they’re high calorie and tend to be easily over-eaten.

No snacking if at all possible because eating spikes insulin. If you must snack to help you get through the transition period, make it a protein/fat snack. Couple pieces of bacon, or a few olives, etc.

Eat only when you’re hungry; stop eating when you’re satisfied. If you’re not able to go from one meal to the next without feeling ravenous, up your fat (avocados, olives, olive oil, butter, etc).

Drink plenty of water. If you’re feeling miserable from cutting out carbs, considering adding more salt/potassium/magnesium to your diet.

Now I’m still new at this, so I’m sure someone here will correct me if I’m wrong, but those have been my guidelines.


I apologies to the forum, I miss read the original question and thought the question was 8 weeks. So figured it was a person wanting a magic weight loss. And wanted to make it real. So again my apologies for a bad response, what I removed.

(Janelle) #16

Kris86 is a guy. He offers good advice women rarely lose that fast. As a newbie, you may not need a lot of added fat (butter, oil) but you do need fat. Keto is not a low fat diet.


Here’s a great quick video.


This is a great response. If I wasn’t such a caveman, I’d write responses This thorough.

(Cindy) #19

Yes, and if you’re like me, after living a lifetime of hearing “fat makes you fat,” you have to consciously add fat. I don’t eat it by the spoonful (ick), but instead of putting the smallest amount possible of butter in the pan to scramble eggs, I’ll put a tablespoon. Or if I want some homemade mayo as a salad dressing, I indulge as much as I want. In the past, those things would have been severely restricted.

So for me, it’s been about just letting go of the “old rules.” Actually makes it quite fun!


Hello Natassa, Welcome to Keto! :slightly_smiling_face: You can reach your goals by going keto. I started keto February 25, 2018 and lost 50 pounds by May 15, 2018. When I started out, I focused on trying to keep my carb intake to 5 to 10 percent. I cut out rice, potatoes, pasta, breads, Gradually I adjusted my other nutrients. Don’t try to adjust everything at once. You may want to try keeping your daily intake of calories in the range of 70% fat, 20 to 25 percent protein, and 5 to 10 percent carbs, and see if it works for you, it is working for me. Enjoy the journey, don’t make it too hard on yourself. Hope this helps. .:slightly_smiling_face: