New to forums, Hello everyone


Hello everyone,

I’m new here and have been on lazy keto for about 6-8 months. It is a challenge because my family has severe allergies and food sensitivities, i make it work but the food is not as exciting as typical keto.

My goal for keto was to lose weight, but regain energy and to ultimately do high endurance sports. I’ve been doing lazy keto for about a year as well, 2ketodudes inspired me to get serious and to also try to get my parents on board (60 and 67 both pre-diabetic.) I visited my parents over the 4th and my dad is on board. Bacon and eggs, I made him Carl’s head pizza too as a way to branch out so he don’t get bored he is sold on it. I got him a keto meter too to check his ketones. I suspect once my dad is on track my mom will follow, fingers crossed.

I’ve started an extended fast 2 weeks ago tracking ketones and glucose, trying to get the auphagy and health benefits. These two weeks were tough but I feel great now and plan to keep fasting till I don’t want to.

I checked with my doctor they said go for it. I found when I exercised and did the sauna I felt much better during the beginning of the fast. I did drink close to 6-9 liters of water and a lot of salt and electrolytes. It took me almost two weeks to really feel the energy, I’m sure my lazy keto wasn’t too pure, but it is good now.

My go to food is salad with chicken thighs, and olive oil to fill. I also love my home made miso soup, low carb edition. I’ll have to add the recipes.


(Tim) #2

That is a LOT of water. I kinda did the same thing in the early part of my fast too though.

This was kinda my attitude too. I feel like I could go longer than I have planned, but I fear my girlfriend may kill me if I don’t stop this time. I’ve already extended it twice.

I’d be super interested in this. Love fermented stuff, especially Miso Soup.

Welcome to the forums, great to meet you, and I look forward to your future posts!

(Michael McMurray) #3

Welcome to the forums! I’m trying to get my parents into this as well, my mom is in just needs lots of support, I’m trying to get her on he forums I think that would help her a lot. Still need to talk to Dad about it.

I’m interested to hear about your progress and possibly your parents too!