New one

(Realhope18) #43

Well… thank you for this :pray:
I’m not quite sure how to navigate around on my own :joy:

(Rob) #44

It depends on what platform you are using as to exactly how to navigate.

A phone will give you the sub forum sections and the most recent 3 posts in each section.
A tablet and PC/Mac will give you sections on the left, 25 most recent posts on the right from any sub-forum.

The search magnifying glass is usually up near your picture in the top right corner of the page. Super useful as a newbie or experienced ketonaut.

The Newbie Section (top of the section list) is a good early place to scan around but there are sub sections for many interests - Food, Science, Health Issues, Fasting, etc.

Go wild… READ A LOT!! Ask questions (in relevant, newish topics or make your own topic) if things aren’t clear from the existing info.

(Realhope18) #45

Thank you. I’ve read your stuff. You’re very knowledgeable.
I’m a good solid two weeks in keto. Prior to the two wks lowered my carbs tremendously!
I’m starting to feel like it’s not working LOL!
I give up quick… I’ve tried so many things!

I probably just need to keep my blinders on… I keep seeing people’s posts on social media , that claim they’ve lost 12 pound of water weight in one wk. I’m so far, only 3 pounds down. I know everyone is different it just gets frustrating.

(Rob) #46

Blinders are good. That’s why this place is great - all the info, all the support, none of the BS and meanness of social media.

Lots of more experienced people on here are constantly surfacing fascinating things from across the web and the world so you don’t need to find them yourself and expose your tender will power to the social media swamp. There is more experience here than a hundred FB groups.

Remember, Keto is a Way of Eating (WoE), not a temporary diet so it pays to KCKO and do things that you can stick with and aren’t so hard that you give up and get a dozen donuts :doughnut::roll_eyes: