New on Keto and my first long bike ride (6 hours)


(Linh Nguyen) #1

I’ve been on the new diet for about two weeks and went on a six hours bike ride yesterday. I love the result and the new consistent energy level during the ride.

First, after being on Keto diet a few days, I decided to buy the keto mojo and track my ketone level every day.

The reading has been 1.0, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 1.5, 0.8

The machine didn’t come with glucose strip so I had to order the strip separately. The first reading was 140 an hour after dinner.

Yesterday I went on a 6 hours bike ride. I had 3 scramble eggs and two sausage paddies from McDanold for breakfast.

After a couple hours I had one bag of almond butter ~200 cal. And I took a couple salt tablets every hour after the first hour just to make sure I don’t run out of sodium.

For the whole ride, I used up 4 bags of almond butter, 4 GUI gels, half a pound of salted grounded pork meat and fat that I brought along for fuel. And about 20 salt tablets.

After the ride, our bike club had a Xmas party serving Vietnamese spring rolls, I had 3 of those. I went home and test for my Ketone and sugar and the number was 2.5 Ketone and 80 for glucose.

For the first time in my life, I feel the energy level for my long ride was very consistent. I didn’t feel any up or down for the whole day. There were 3 or 4 time that I feel hungry so I did stop and fuel.

I’m very happy with the results and will keep doing the diet. Maybe my future fuel source will be Fry Spam that I will bring along. It has a good amount of fat and plenty of Salt, IMO and they are available at convenience stores, I think. Thanks for reading.

(Bunny) #2

Wow 6 hours that’s amazing!