Never have I ever

(Shanda) #1

My newfound energy has got me thinking … there are so many things that I’ve always wanted to do but haven’t. My weight , my health, my laziness has gotten in the way. I’ve always wanted to scuba dive and learn to surf (even though I live in Alabama). I want to go white water rafting. I want to rock climb. I want to sky dive. I want to backpack up a mountain. Just so many things that I want to experience. For the first time in my life I feel like these things might be possible one day.

I’m curious. What are some things you had always wanted to do but didn’t or couldn’t because of weight and/or health issues?
For you keto veterans … Have you been able to fulfill those dreams since being on keto?

(mole person) #2

I thought I’d lost my energy because I had aged. That it was normal to want to do less at 40 yrs than at 30 yrs, and even less at 50 yrs then at 40 yrs. Yet, here I am on keto at 51 with all the energy I had at 20 again.

So the dream I got to fulfill I had thought was only a fantasy…To be young again.

And yet it’s happened.

It makes me want to cry to think how many people would jump at it if they could only be made to believe it first.