My Keto-Mojo Keytone reading is 2.0 - should I be concerned?

(Bansaw) #1

I have Keto Mojo and just took my 1st reading, it was 2.0.

I read the manual and it mentions anything above 1.5> risk of Ketosis acidosis.
Am I reading that right? And then I look at a Matt Lauer video and he’s saying “optimal range is between 1.5 and 3.0” !! So the Mojo manual says one thing, and Lauer (who is a rep of KM says something seemingly different.)

I’ve been on Keto 7 weeks, and I’ve had Keto flu. Just past 10 days, I’ve had some heart papls so I am taking some Potassium, Sodium etc.

(My blood glucose I took was 119 mg/dll hct=33%, Hb=11.2)

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #2

Do you have type 1 diabetes? If not, no. The disease is actually named diabetic ketoacidosis. I’ll let others respond regarding your glucose.

(Charlotte) #3

You’re fine. Only Type 1’s need to worry about ketoacidosis. Keto Mojo has to put that in the manual to protect themselves legally.

(Bansaw) #4

I’m not type 1. I had a high blood sugar of 134 last blood test which is pre-diabetic type 2. Thats why my doc put me on Keto actually.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #5

I guessed your glucose is a bit high, but am not sufficiently knowledgeable about it to advise. Many others know more about it and I’m sure will soon show up. :slightly_smiling_face:

(Charlotte) #6

How many times a day do you eat? Do you IF? Fasting is really good for lowering blood sugars. When I first started keto my blood sugars ran high. When I starting fasting it helped drop my blood sugars down 30+ points.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #7

My fasting BG is still 112 on my latest lab work after 11 months of keto. I have a healthy HbA1c score though. Lowering blood sugar has been harder for me due to medication, could that be a factor? :cowboy_hat_face:

(Joey) #8

@bansaw I appreciate that you’re concerned (given some of those keto level charts that are floating around) but a keto reading of 2 mmol/L is not a concern - especially if you’re not a Type 1 diabetic.

I had similar concerns early on. In fact, my ketone levels now typically run between 4 and 5 (5.4 this morning!) … and this has been the case consistently for the past 3 of the 4 weeks I’ve been eating keto (carbs <20g/day, plenty of saturated fats and prudent levels of protein for my kg weight).

Keto-acidosis might be a real concern if your ketones were WAY elevated (say, approaching 10) AND your glucose was ALSO high. Both are required in tandem, and you have neither condition. Please relax about that concern and keep measuring to learn more about your levels over time.

While it’d be great if your blood glucose of 119 were lower, it IS lower than the reading (134) that prompted you and your doctor to embark on keto in the first place. Sounds like things are moving in a good direction for you.

Do make sure to tell your doctor about the palpitations, though. Inasmuch as s/he is the medical pro who encouraged you to begin Keto eating, it sounds like you’re in good hands and you might get some additional suggestions in addition to those above.

But as for keto-acidosis, you can certainly relax. Meanwhile, I sure hope you feel better soon!

(Bansaw) #9

My blood sugar was 134, thats why my doc actually put me on Keto. Nice to see it go down to 119.

(Jane) #10

You posted this in May 2018

Did you give up last year and are starting over again?

(Wendy) #11

Hi my keto mojo reading usually runs between 1.4 and 2.7. And I have a history of low Bloodsugar. Keto has regulated my Bloodsugar. It hasn’t dipped in weeks!! Usually stays between 80 and 93. And when my mojo readings are in the upper range. I can feel the difference. I think once your body has become fat adapted. You will start to see many improvements. And if you get worried call and get an appointment, so you and your doc can be on the same page. And he may have some suggestions that may ease your worries. Good Luck!

(Barbara) #12

WOW! Good for your doctor! Can I have him/her? 99% of docs in our area would be telling you not to worry about your fasting blood sugar and waiting for the opportunity to diagnose you as diabetic so they can pile on the drugs.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #13

Diabetic ketoacidosis is nothing to fool around with, so you are quite right to ask the question, but you are doing fine. Generally speaking, as long as your pancreas is producing insulin at all, your blood will remain properly buffered.

Nutritional ketosis generally runs in the range 0.5-5.0, starvation ketosis a bit higher. Diabetic ketoacidosis is not even a concern until your ketones rise above 10, and the really bad effects don’t usually happen until around 20. Also, in diabetic ketoacidosis, the serum glucose reading is usually quite a bit above 119.

There is a condition called “euglycaemic ketoacidosis,” but so far I’ve only heard of its occurring to women who tried to fast while pregnant or giving milk, and to patients prescribed certain specific drugs, of which it is a known side effect.