My journey so far, not easy

(Chris) #41

I am missing something …
for the record, I take magnesium and 2 salt pills (1000mg)
I just ate a bunch of pork belly and 2 eggs and an hour later I am craving pork rinds, my goto snack.

Just got my bloodwork done. My cholesterol is high, but it’s actually come down since 2019, which was the last bloodwork done. I find it hard to believe that it’s been that long but apparently it has been…

(Geoffrey) #42

I sometimes get a craving like that but it’s not so much a craving for the food but for the crunch/mouth feel.
After a lifetime of eating fried foods that crunch it’s hard to get that satisfying feeling eating meat all the time.

(Edith) #43

I have found that that VERY fatty meals leave me hungry soon after. Higher protein meals satiate me for much longer.


I definitely want something crunchy sometimes :slight_smile: So I would think I went too far without something crunchy if I craved crunchy food.

If it’s hunger, I would blame the macros, too little protein and/or calories makes me hungry very quickly again, I imagine this being common.

(Chris) #45


I’ve found that if I don’t get about 400mg of magnesium I get screaming calf/feet cramps at about 2am.
They were constant for about a week. I skipped the mag last night and had a not-so-bad foot cramp this morning.

GI is still very watery. I eat a LOT of fat. 221.5 to 196.5.

(Robin) #46

Yep… if I forget my magnesium and salt water before bed, I’ll wake up with leg and foot cramps.

(Bob) #47

I was having terrible leg cramps. Taking LMNT before bed was starting to help but then I ran out and they started coming back. Now I have an awesome magnesium supplement from Amazon that I take with dinner and before bed and it works beautifully.


It’s great you’ve started, and you need to hold tight.
Your body’s current state is the result of years and years of inappropriate eating habits - we’ve all been there.
Be patient.
By going keto/vore - carnivore, you’re giving your body an electroshock. While your personal objective is healing GERD, your body has a much larger agenda: it needs to adapt to the change, learn to get its energy from ketones, burn off unhealthy visceral fat and heal globally all at the same time - that’s a lot.
It took me a good 8 months to transition over. For example, no more acid stomach / GERD, post-meal lose stools have completely stopped, my body format has improved greatly, and I’ve naturally moved to one meal day, because I’m not as hungry as I used to be.
Continue on as you’re doing - no carbs, three meals a day. When you start to notice you’re not hungry before a meal, skip that meal - fasting will be key in your healing process.

(Chris) #49

VBI have been almost completely faithful too Carno.
I eat a little flour with pork belly and a very small amount of sugar in a rub I occasionallyuse. I can’t tell that I’m eating anything that would throw my body off.
But… I gorged onThanksgiving. Started with mashed potatoes and then why not corn pudding and ham glaze (pure sugar) and why not 10 cookies and since we’re bingeing why not pb&j before bed? :neutral_face:
Well… I did not feel bad until Saturday but now I feel like I have keto-flu again. Nothing like when I 1st went
Carno but I definitely recognize the symptoms. I hope it goes away soon. Dragging so much.
I went back to full Carno the morning after the binge.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #50

Eating too much carbohydrate interferes with sodium excretion, so when we drop the carbs again and the kidneys start excreting it normally again, we need to remember to get more salt. That should eliminate the keto “flu.”

(Chris) #51

I dumped a boatload of salt today. Feel much better now