My journey so far, not easy


While I am not carnivore, I try to be gluten free at all times because a friend who had Barrick’s Esophagus went gluten free on the advice of her doctor and it helped a lot. Since speaking to her I have noticed that whenever I eat a lot of wheat (which I try not to except for really special occasions, which I realize should not justify it but it does) I get reflux which I rarely have otherwise

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #22

Oh, yeah! I’m the same way with glazed doughnuts–or was, back in the day. Too bad those boxes didn’t just magically replenish their contents! :frowning_face:

(Chris) #23

So 1. I love tuna fish w/mayo. - ate tuna w/ mayo, immediately had a /swallowing incident/ where I just couldn’t swallow (this does not happen anymore and I’m eating steak and I’m not being all the careful anymore). Sucked. Finally cleared itself and I inhaled the rest of it. Healthy amount of mayo. Felt like crap…like oops…I shouldn’t have eaten that. So…I don’t know…some weird oil? Mayo is basically eggs and I eat a lot of eggs. I’m going to make my own bacon mayo

  1. I have DEFINITELY turned a corner and I FEEL GOOD! E N E R GY !!! I don’t feel like I have the flu anymore!


Mayo is mostly fat, with very very little yolk… At least the normal one, not what I made the 2 times when I made it :smiley: I tend to use the maximum amount of yolks in everything and can’t stand super fatty mayo anyway.
But eggs are fine for you so yep, I would suspect the oil too.

Congrats for the energy (and gimme some :wink: I need some serious amount to do the cleaning I should in the near future, it’s not my fav thing to do but lots of energy makes wonders)!

(Bob) #25

That weird oil could be soybean oil or canola oil. Mayo is mostly seed oils. Your bacon mayo will be a lot better for you.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #26

And a lot tastier, too!. :yum:

(Alec) #27

I will put this out there… I made my own mayo with butter, lovely, with olive oil, lovely, melted butter, lovely… but they were all a pain in the ar5e to make. So after the first time, I just stopped doing it.

New carni mayo recipe (from the Carnivore Chef): equal parts of cream cheese and sour cream, and a squirt of lemon juice. Mix! Refrigerate! Eat!

Really gorgeous, works just as well as regular mayo, and REALLY easy! Recommended!


I just mix lard with a yolk and whatever I want at the moment (I forgot what mayo contains as I ate it only a few times in my whole life), it’s ready in a minute :smiley:
The lard is rendered by me and it has the lovely flavors of fried pork :wink:
Butter is a great thing to use too.

It has no yolk! :scream:
Sounds nice, by the way. But I love my yolks :wink: I may try it, with a yolk, obviously.

(Chris) #29

I plan on making done this weekend. I have beer been hearing I about seed oils for a while now butt haven’t looked into then. Mayo is basically eggs and I have no problems with eggs


Test by stopping the ketochow and watch for improvement in your bowel movements. Salt is important, but don’t overdo it.

(KM) #31

If you get lazy, there are some rather expensive prepared mayo options using 100% avocado or coconut oil. I like Chosen Foods Keto Mayo (mct / coconut oil). It hardens in the fridge since coconut oil has such a low melting point, but softens right up at room temp. I like how “clean” this is, I don’t find any suspect ingredients in it.

The ingredients are Coconut oil (contains MCT oil), organic egg yolks, water, distilled vinegar, salt. Less than 1%: mustard, organic rosemary extract.

(Robin) #32

I will be trying that! Have all the ingredients on hand. Thanks!

(Chris) #33

wow I really butchered that post above. I most have been on my phone. Thank you, forum, for your grace.

Today is Wednesday so I think it’s been 6 weeks. I FEEL GOOD. GI is acting much more normal. I have been using magnesium powder a bit which helps.
I just have more energy…I almost got up at 330 this morning. That never used to happen. Fatigue is much better, clarity of mind improves with improved energy.
Diet is the same. Still haven’t made the mayo.

It’s really odd how “the missing out on” part of this diet is just nothing. Ice cream, cookies, apples, waffles…They are in my house, but I just don’t want them beyond a very small impulse that quickly goes away. It’s really bizarre…my body is telling my mind to shut up and just ignore the sweets.

I have kind of lain off the bacon fat because good butter is just so much better.

I don’t know if acid reflux is better because I didn’t really notice prior. Swallowing is much better but not perfect. I was inhaling steak for lunch and had a moment of ‘oops ate too fast…’ but it cleared quickly. There is definitely acid damage to my esophagus.

I did have $60 worth of HOT pork rinds sent to me. I just ate an entire 5oz bag. SO GOOD

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #34

That’s an excellent example of what we call a “non-scale victory.” Congratulations!


Die, heretic scum! :grin: :bacon::bacon::bacon::bacon::bacon: Them’s fightin’ words! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’d be willing to bet it’s improved, because of all the meat. We are supposed to have a stomach that is as acidic as the stomachs of other carrion-eaters, which leads anthropologists and palaeontologists to believe that our early ancestors must have started their meat-eating as scavangers of carcases left behind by predators.

(Chris) #35

I don’t mean to diminish bacon…I love bacon

(KM) #36

Bacon will diminish you. Hail, bacon.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #37

I was just funnin’ you, lol! I’m a bacon-lover from way back.


For your GI problems, did you try eating fibers? It helps some people. It works for me.


Carnivore does some strange things indeed! It’s not so strong long term in my case (but I only do on/off carnivore-ish) but the beginning was surreal for many reasons. I became another person regarding food (I never resist temptation and love so many things…), carnivore instantly solved a lot of my tiresome addictions/compulsions. Except coffee. I still needed to fight hard, fail and try again when it came to that. (No coffee day #4 now, I am so impressed!!!)
My interpretation is that plant carbs mess with me. (No idea about fungi ones, I never ate much of that without any plant carbs. Animal carbs don’t seem to do weird, bad things to me.)

I still want desserts. Fortunately not for each and every meal but almost. It’s no problem, I have nice and easy carni desserts. Ice cream is especially where I don’t understand why people would want non-carni or non-keto ones, they are the best… But tastes differ. By the way, carnivore took away my desire towards ice cream and I just don’t want that. Ice cream is useful and nice. I still can eat it and it’s tasty, I just don’t desire it. (I eat and sometimes make 30g at a time, that’s a very nice portion if you ask me. I never ate much ice cream anyway but carnivore desserts are so satisfying - and don’t have the carbs that mess my desires, satiation and other things up - that a little goes a long way. A carbier dessert makes me want to eat more dessert. A carni one satisfies me instantly, at the end of a proper meal, of course.)

But if I manage to eat enough meat in one sitting (not “diluted” with too much eggs and dairy), I often don’t want any dessert. If I remember well. I very very rarely eat mostly meat. But that seem to give me a perfect satiation and satisfaction.

I instantly thought “what PaulL will say” when I have read the part about bacon fat :smiley:

I strongly prefer butter over bacon fat too but I can imagine my bacon fat is inferior to your bacon fat. I barely ever buy bacon and those are the ones that happen to go on sale. Maybe they aren’t so great. The bacon itself is lovely and crunchy, not a bliss taste wise but nice enough… I focus on the crunch… I consider it a waste not to fry it into 100% crunchiness…

But butter is GREAT. Sadly I prefer it over lard too. I have a lot of lard now and my little added fat consumption is more butter than anything else nowadays… It’s good I have organs to fry, they need the fat especially when I make pâté, I just need to resist putting a bunch of butter into it… It will get some but it should be fine with lard and butter…

(Chris) #40

The most astonishing thing about the diet is NOT craving other food. Laterally making cookies and not even wanting to eat it right out of the bowl! ASTONISHING.
I love bacon, and have been eating pork belly now (SO GOOD) but butter is my go-to for cooking and for putting on steak or whatever. It’s just better. Yesterday I mixed BF with butter and it was good…but it was probably the butter.