My First NSV

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #1

So I have been religious about my eating on KETO for 40 days as of today. I noticed my uniform pants were getting loose this past week. When I got home from work today I put on a size smaller uniform pant that I had in the closet. Fit perfect. I have no idea how much weight I’ve lost because I refuse to get on a scale. For me, I’m doing this as a life style change.

(Ernest) #2

That scale statement is very refreshing! Bravo!

(Dawn Comber) #3

Celebrating with you and feeling inspired by your victory, Rusty. Well-done!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #4

Yay! Have some bacon to celebrate: :bacon: :bacon:



(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #6

Congratulations! I’d like to be on that mindset, and not slave to the scale.

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #7

When I started KETO knew that I could not continue to live eating the crap I was eating for so long. I’ve done other diets on and off most of my adult life. And after watching my father die a slow death from cardiac and diabetic issues, I finally decided that I was not going to put my self through the same thing. So I made the switch and haven’t looked back. And to be honest, I’m more happy than I’ve ever been. I feel better than ever. And I hope this next one makes sense…I can feel my body getting healthy!