My first no-pill-iversary

(Raj Seth) #1

I just remembered that 1/23/2018 was the last day that I ingested any pill. Noteworthy - I went Keto Oct 31, 2017, and reversed 10 yrs of diabetes, hypertension, migraines, high TriGs etc in 2.5 months.

I had a delicate moment last week when I had my first serious headache - almost took an aspirin :open_mouth: But then - came to my senses - drank a liter of water, and stuck salt crystals behind my lip like skoal - 1/2 hour later - no headache

Gotta LOVE this WOL

PS. I also grew up in a Jain vegetarian household.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #2

I’m down to 60 milligrams beta blockers. Hope I can catch up to you. Medication free would be ideal! So happy for you.

(MyLove MyLife) #3

Amazing!! Reverse Diabetes means you increased the lifespan another 10 years!! It’s really good to be on the life without the pill. Mostly after keto, we have to change our lifestyle that is one of the most Important aspects!!

(Raj Seth) #4

10yrs from no T2D. Another 10 from BP (now 110/70)
Another 10 from keeping my cholesterol up and triGs down

Now to make sure I don’t outlast my $$😀

(Laurie) #5

Woohoo! So happy for you.

Yes, being alive does come with problems of its own. . . .