My "Carb Up" Experience


(Sheri Knauer) #8

I honestly don’t think fasting is necessary. If you follow a well formulated (for you) keto diet and then decide to say eat half a sweet potato or some berries at dinner, you will most likely be right back to fat burning by morning. However, if you binge on crappy carbs in excess, then a fast following that may be helpful. To me, thinking you have to fast after having a tad more healthy carbs is a bit disordered, like your punishing yourself. I tend to think that way too. If you decide to add in a healthy carb on occasion, enjoy it and don’t stress about it. KCKO.

(Lynne Hurley Perry) #9

I quickly went back into fat adaptation…no keto flu. Also, no terrific difference in hunger signals. That could be a different story if I really gorged. I also had a meal that started with salad, pickled veggies and then prime rib. If I ate just the carbs I expect there could have been a different outcome. (Not planning to experiment with that one!)

(Lynne Hurley Perry) #11

I have been doing about 2-3 24 hour fasts at some point during the work week. I never do 2 days back-to-back since I want to be sure I am getting all of my nutrients in. The first one is usually Monday, it is the busiest day and I usually had some sort of good meal for Sunday supper and it is a breeze to go through to dinner the next day with only a bulletproof coffee in the AM. I don’t see the fasting before or after a weekend as punishment. It is something that allows me to be more flexible on the weekend and just enjoy what I eat.

(Lynne Hurley Perry) #12

No gain for me.

(cheryl) #13

Thank you for sharing this experience! I have been reading about this too and plan on experimenting hopefully after I reach my goal weight.


Here is a thread that details my experience in October, about 5 months in to keto. Note I eat blackberries and raspberries a few times a week normally. They are very low carb. Although my ketones tend not to get that high which may be the berries but they do not get that high on an extended fast either using a cheap breathalyzer

I did not feel well and it really cured me for awhile.

I had a bad cold last week and was craving fruit. So I ended up spending 4 days in glycogen recompensation. I started off eating well, bananas, clementines and butternut squash. Moved on to one bread product a day (pita with my gyro). On the last day I was traveling so used that as an excuse to eat all the junk I wanted, which turned out not to be as much as I would normally eat. Two slices of pizza (sicilian and regular), aunti Ann pretzels, lemonade and an ice cream cone and sugar in my latte. The lemonade and pretzels and coffee were delicious, the ice cream was ok and the pizza was not up to my standards, Since I came home had some family stress so have lost my appetite and no problem with cravings at all

(Jennifer Kleiman) #15

I’m baking a sweet potato right now, as a functional test of whether I’ve restored enough insulin sensitivity to handle it. 3 years on keto for me & I have no cravings for carbs but I’m curious to see what’ll happen. I’ve got a cgm & blood ketone meter to help me measure the results. According to other biomakers (fasting insulin, trigs, a1c) I should be insulin sensitive but I haven’t tried straight-up carbs in years, my diabetes diagnosis scared me straight.

I did an experiment earlier this week, drinking a 40g protein shake (no carbs just isopure whey and unsweetened cashew milk, unsweetened cocoa powder and monk fruit), which evoked a 30-pt glucose rise in the 2 hrs following the shake, tailing off back to baseline 2 hrs after that. My understanding is that the whey provoked both a glucagon & insulin response, the glucagon dumped glycogen into blood glucose & then the insulin managed it successfully. So I have every expectation that this sweet potato won’t kill me :slight_smile: Will find out soon. Will it make me bloat, go mad with cravings, or otherwise fundamentally change my life? Probably not eh, but maybe…


Agreed, but you know how few people are actually doing that. To me the term “carb up” is synonymous with carbo-load. Even a keto’r knows that a sweet potato isn’t the end of the world but SOMETHING tells me that’s not what people are eating. Every once in a while me and the wife go out and eat REAL Pizza, we eat the rolls, we get deserts, what we DON’T do is convince ourselves that we didn’t just eat like complete garbage by giving it a politically correct name. We fast the next day until dinner and get on with life. I think too many people are slowly being programmed to not realize a “Carb up” can send somebody off the rails real quick if their not ready mentally. Ok, rant over.


It CAN be, but it can also be enabling a problem in progress. I’ve seen WAY too many people and their “Carb ups” end very badly for them. Some people can do it, many can’t. Definitely not something for the newly converted.

(Sheri Knauer) #20

Yes, so true. Some people may not be ready to eat carbs and that could really derail them. You gotta know yourself and your limitations.


The main problem is, I ate badly yesterday and I have to take my kid to a pizza place today so instead of fasting maybe I will sample what they are serving since I already blew it. The problem is being able to step off the ledge. If you can’t then you should not get on the roof in the first place

(Jane) #22

I’ve been in keto for 3 months now and lost almost 20 lbs with 7 more to go.

I have a sourdough starter I’ve kept alive for 3 years since my daughter-in-law gave it to me.

It has to be used and fed at least every 2 weeks. So… about a month ago I started making my Sunday sourdough waffles every two weeks. Much to the delight of my husband who has been doing keto with me. I have half of one loaded with butter. And 2 slices of bacon.

I can’t say it has had any negative effects on my WOE. Still losing weight, doesn’t set off any carb cravings, I get back into ketosis quickly.

(Jennifer Kleiman) #24

Well I tried carbing up & lived to tell the tale lol. I’m going to keep strictly ketoing on for the next few months but it is an amazing thing to know my metabolism has healed to the point that I can handle carbs if I want to.

(Lynne Hurley Perry) #25

It is all about life/balance. My hope is that I can get my insulin resistance under control enough to be able to enjoy some summer fruits-like peaches. Even if it is just once a week.

(Lynne Hurley Perry) #26

How did the sweet potato go? Did you eat the entire potato with the skin?

(Jennifer Kleiman) #27

I did eat the whole sweet potato, skin & all, with a bit of salt. I posted the glucose response curve from my cgm on that other thread - spiked to 153 mg/dl in 45 mins then subsided back to baseline at 2h, which as far as I can tell is a normal insulin-sensitive response. I felt a bit speedy afterwards too but otherwise didn’t see any effects… I think to see an effect on hormones, if there is any, I’d have to do it on a regular basis and I’m not prepared to do that just yet. I’m just ecstatic that I’ve apparently healed from diabetes this much. :slight_smile:


I’m a man.

In general your carb load was simply mixing things up, that is very good to trick the body metabolism so that the produces hormones are different for a short period of time.

I do small carbs once every two or three weeks, half a biscuit or a handful of berries is all I need to reset.

(Karen) #29

I’m not low enough yet but someday a sweet potato would be a nice addition. I loved hearing your results. Congrats on your healing, so far.


(What The Fast?!) #30

Do you have a recipe for a starter?

(Jane) #31

It’s not a recipe. You culture it from an existing starter. That is how I got mine from my daughter-in-law and I am not willing to let it die after using and feeding it for several years now.