My "Carb Up" Experience


(Jennifer Kleiman) #27

I did eat the whole sweet potato, skin & all, with a bit of salt. I posted the glucose response curve from my cgm on that other thread - spiked to 153 mg/dl in 45 mins then subsided back to baseline at 2h, which as far as I can tell is a normal insulin-sensitive response. I felt a bit speedy afterwards too but otherwise didn’t see any effects… I think to see an effect on hormones, if there is any, I’d have to do it on a regular basis and I’m not prepared to do that just yet. I’m just ecstatic that I’ve apparently healed from diabetes this much. :slight_smile:


I’m a man.

In general your carb load was simply mixing things up, that is very good to trick the body metabolism so that the produces hormones are different for a short period of time.

I do small carbs once every two or three weeks, half a biscuit or a handful of berries is all I need to reset.

(Karen) #29

I’m not low enough yet but someday a sweet potato would be a nice addition. I loved hearing your results. Congrats on your healing, so far.


(What The Fast?!) #30

Do you have a recipe for a starter?

(Jane) #31

It’s not a recipe. You culture it from an existing starter. That is how I got mine from my daughter-in-law and I am not willing to let it die after using and feeding it for several years now.

(What The Fast?!) #32

I wonder how I can find one locally.