My 2 month NSVs

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #1

I’m almost at the 2 month mark (started 3/6/19) and have noticed a couple of NSVs despite no weight loss since the initial water weight. The first thing I noticed was my jowls decreasing in size. I’ve hated looking in the mirror for the last few years because I had grown these large jowls UGH, I look like an OLD LADY! They started diminishing almost as soon as I started Keto. Another thing I’ve noticed in the past few days is my upper arms have gotten noticeably smaller. I’m so not sure how my body can be remodeling while I’m not losing any weight, but I’ll take it! My clothes are fitting much better, I no longer bloat like a balloon when I eat, and I rarely get hungry anymore. I’m hoping that with the addition of some EF I will soon lose some of the weight as well. KCKO!

(Jody) #2

The feeling better part is the best part!

NICE! This is the one area that isn’t budging for me.

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #3

Isn’t it weird how we lose in different places? I seem to lose in a different way every time I lose weight. I lost a lot in my bust the last time and I was looking forward to losing there this time around, but no luck, bra is just as tight as ever :unamused: