Mitochondria and Circadian Rhythm

(Terri) #1

I have been listening to a bunch of interviews with Dr. Jack Kruse. Mind blowing stuff for me. I am not much of a science person and can easily get lost in the jargon. But, damn, despite it being about quantum physics, his stuff fascinates me. I chose this one to share because he talks more about food (ketosis especially) than in other podcasts w/ him I have heard. But in every interview I have listened to he clarifies that what we eat is an important piece but that there are much more important factors beneath this. As someone who has battled Type II Diabetes, I am hanging on his words about the nature of the disease and how to prevent and treat it. Changing to Ketogenic WOE has been huge for me, but I believe him in the idea that it is not just about carbs. There is a reason why I became insulin resistant, yada yada, yada… And there are other important things I can do for my health in addition to reducing carbs.

Time to put my phone down, ground, and get out in the sun without sunscreen or glasses! Later to buy some sardines (:persevere:).


Thanks for posting, I can’t wait to check this out. I first heard about Dr. Kruse from a local guy who owns an organic juice bar. I was into juicing at the time (before I learned about keto) and he was telling me how he became interested in health. Essentially, his best friend did some extensive juice fasting and cured himself of cancer. I asked him for pointers on top of what I was doing and he said to add garlic and use a cleanse from Dr. Kruse. He couldn’t say enough good about Dr. Kruse.

I just finished “Fat for fuel” by Dr. Mercola which I think you might enjoy. He takes keto to another level and essentially tells you how this way of life impacts you at the cellular level. He calls it “metabolic mitochondrial therapy”. I enjoyed it because I really wanted to know the benefits of keto aside from weight loss. And it’s really nice to see people emphasizing using quality foods and why that matters. I’m hearing about a lot of people lately who are using cheap tricks to go into ketosis and drop a few pounds, but those people in my opinion are missing the point.

Anyway, good luck. Sciency books can be doable if well written. Dr Mercola does well. Also, I found primal fat burner by Nora Gedgaudas to be a great read on the subject.


Kruse is interesting but his attitude of “I’m Prometheus and you should all be thanking me” is hard to take.

(Terri) #4

I hear this in some of his interviews/talks more than in others. Still, I don’t have the time or inclination to read and synthesize all that he reports as sources of knowledge we all have access to and have for some time. Therefore, I am willing to let him be King of this and learn all that I can from him.

(Terri) #5

I saw Mercola recently at a conference and he talked some about this book, which I plan to read. He mostly talked about the health damaging effects of non-native EMF, which is a huge factor in what Kruse and others I have been listening to are explaining.

The unfortunate reality of what I am learning is that I have done great things for my body and heath by changing from SAD to Paleo and now Keto, but the harder part is coming. Changing lifestyle (including less time with electronics, more time outside, even moving to different environment) is really at the root of significant change in my overall health and disease prevention. Daunting.

(eat more) #6

this is my first exposure to jack kruse and he’s striking me as mobster turned used car salesman :joy:

i always have a hard time when ppl constantly say “you don’t know what i know” and “i’m controversial”…the information may be valid but making it about the person delivering it (himself) over the actual info is annoying to me LOL

(Terri) #7

I am listening to one now in which he acknowledges that as a neurosurgeon he was harming people because he did not know more. And that he changed what he does, despite the fact that he made loads of money doing those things.

I get that he is not for everyone. No problem. Just thought I would share for anyone who wants to e plots the information he shares.


Definitely appreciate the share! Don’t mean to derail the thread, because ya, the info is potentially good, considering DHA, EMF, etc.


It requires a certain personality to allow a doctor to break away from the mold and research unpopular things, make unpopular findings, and battle their peers for decades. I do see your point though, but it’s important to look past that stuff. Doctors who regurgitate bad information for decades and blame patients when their suggestions fail them are far more annoying to me.

(Terri) #10

He rubs me the wrong way at times too. Then again, I think I would have followed many other brilliant people who presented as know-it-all too. And I have. I follow Mercola, Robb Wolff, Fung, Eades, etc and have learned from them even though they claim to know what others don’t (or choose to ignore). And I think all of them have critical knowledge that they have synthesized and are sharing with those who will listen.

(Tom Seest) #11

My take on Kruse is really odd. I love his web site. This appeals to me technically. So many people in the field have horrible web sites. In his case, he has a great site that is easy to navigate.

I think he has difficulty communicating to many of us commoners, but I love his website.

(Terri) #12

@tdseest He loses me at times when he gets to far in quantum physics/biology stuff, but I feel like he always (in every interview/talk I have devoured) boils it down to the basics. I am currently reading his Leptin Reset and Cold Thermogenesis Protocol. I am adding this stuff to my Ketogenic WOE to see if it enhances my health progress.