Medical advice to have easy carbs


(Ellen) #1

Hi all,

Not a newbie, but just got out of hospital, Dr actually knew about keto and the good it can do, but said after several days of not eating and fighting a virus I should wean myself back into food with some plain rice or noodles in broth, as fat or protein could trigger nausea again and I need easy access energy, my instinct is to say no but the thought of meat or fat (even cheese, which i love) really is turning my stomach, am not hungry but feel weak, what say you?

(Bunny) #2

I personally would stay away from the noodles and eat more Whole Foods that have been processed or refined as little as possible like maybe rice and potato’s but if your ill (depending on the type of illness) lack of carbohydrates could force your body into ketoacidosis, if you try to force the ketosis so listen to your doctor?

Naturally aged cheese has almost no carbohydrate, but most naturally aged cheeses made now days depending on who’s making it have tons of sugar in them!

(Chris) #3

I’d probably be fasting tbh if I found protein triggered nausea. I don’t normally give out advice to fast, but I think it has a specific use with dealing with illness.


Sorry you’ve been so poorly @Elle79 :slightly_frowning_face: :hugs:
Maybe just a little rice in broth with some poached chicken breast would do the trick?

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #5

I agree with Safi. Sometimes broth sounds the best and if having some rice will make you feel better and mend up, have some rice. It’s temporary. I hope you feel better soon!

(Ellen) #6

I picked up some plain boiled rice & some chicken tikka, I do have some chicken stock cubes, can’t face eating yet, not like 4 days will kill me, will try tomorrow with rice & broth, hopefully work up to the tikka.

(Polly) #7

So sorry to hear you have been ill Elle. I agree with safi and PetaMarie that rice and broth may make you feel much better.

The other thing (also non-keto) which settles a bout of nausea/ biliousness is stewed apples (preferably Bramleys) the pectin in them settles the tum nicely.

I hope you feel better soon and can get back on the keto wagon when normality returns.

(bulkbiker) #8

Citation required please…

With normal blood sugars unless you are on specific drugs this is virtually impossible…
Unless “Dr” Berg says different I guess…

(Allie) #9

I would avoid the carbs still, what about sipping bone broth?

Wishing you better :sparkling_heart:

(Ellen) #10

Can’t find bone broth here (just like UK), if it comes to it I’ll just bin the rice, right now nothing seems palatable but don’t want to go that way for too long.

(Allie) #11

Then listen to your body and give it more time to heal? :sparkling_heart:


Here’s another vote for fasting but making sure to keep up your electrolytes, either with broth or salt or Keto-Ade (or a similar concoction).

I wouldn’t force any eating unless you’re very lean. (If no fat stores to draw from then maybe start with a bit of rice or even potato in the broth to see if that kicks things back into gear?).

(Failed) #13

I would avoid the carbs. I’ve seen several references that state that refeeding syndrome that makes you ill and can be fatal, involves refeeding with starchy foods.

Here’s one:

(Susan) #14

I hope that you will be feeling better soon, Ellen, and do whatever you feel is best and will help you for now =). Take care.


I think that what’s considered “easily digestible plain food” is cultural. When I lived in Bosnia and Croatia, doctors used to recommend veal for sick kids, because it was considered easily digestible.

What about eggs? When I was a kid my step-mom always used to make us custard when we were sick. That’s pretty easy on the stomach. I don’t know what you actually call this in the UK–in America when we say “custard” it is something you bake in the oven–like crème brûlée with out the crunchy sugar top. In the UK, I think what you call “custard” is what we call “pudding.” Anyway, I’m not suggesting dessert, but that childhood custard always makes me think eggs for easy to eat sick people food.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #16

Maybe you could do on the broth, like an ounce or two, every few hours. You don’t have to eat it all at once

(Ellen) #17

I made some chicken stock (knorr not home made, I know it has some not good things) and put a couple of spoons of rice in it, ended up just drinking the stock, going to go slowly with reintroducing food, still have plenty of fat stores but am feeling weak so probably could do with actual food, will bin the rice and just have the chicken at some point and go from there. Thanks all for the advice and well wishes.


I seriously wouldn’t let that concern me if I were you right now :slightly_smiling_face: Take care.

(Ellen) #19

Cheers Safi, was good just having something that didn’t immediately make me feel sick.


I’ll bet! You poor wee thing :frowning_face: