Mayo - is it bad to consume regular mayo?

(Mark Rhodes) #21

Funny and Sad at the same time. “Hey look! That mayo doesn’t seprate!” and “Hey, Look! That mayo doesn’t sepererate” The secret ingriedient is Twinkies. :wink:

(Jenna Ericson) #22

Hellmann’s makes a specific one made with canola oil. It says “Canola Mayonnaise Dressing” in big letters on the jar. Obviously it’s still processed, but canola oil has one of the better omega 3 to 6 ratios. It’s like 1:2 as opposed to soybean oil at 1:7 (which I just looked up and isn’t actually as bad as I thought).

(B Creighton) #23

I no longer use the stuff. If I go out to a restaurant like I did two nights ago, I am not going to stress over it, but I do not buy it. Not only is soybean oil a very high PUFA omega 6 oil, but it is probably going to be cheap GMO oil sprayed with glyphosate. Also the egg in it is going to become oxidized in the processing. I know most do not concern themselves with LDL, but I believe oxidized LDL is bad news for COPD. Then you have to worry about the corn syrup or HFCS usually added. So just no.

I do have some avocado mayonaise, and I’m sure the avocado oil in it is refined, but still it is mostly monounsaturated fat, so is much less likely to oxidize the cholesterol and other contents of the mayo. And companies that make this stuff aren’t going to add HFCS.

I promised myself I was going to start making my own mayo… I would use olive oil and some MCTs, etc, but have never done this…