May Meat Up

(Judy Thompson) #21

Wow. Just listened to that track by Manhattan Transfer, how sensual it is! I can imagine dancing to it.
I’m glad this music is still alive. I feel a little guilty playing the old music sometimes because the kids don’t know it - but it’s far to find more current music written with comparable genius. Good to mix them - we also play music from about the last 90 years and across many different styles! Is love to go to your dances and just sit and listen to the playlist!

Congrats on meeting the little man, so happy for you Sian!

@Geezy56 you never cease to amaze with your creative inventions! On this woe it seems the only rule is no rules! :rofl:

Yesterday’s meal was a chaffleburger. A couple hours later I got hungry and chowed down on some cheese and liverwurst between online lessons.

My coffee tastes have changed and nothing dark pleases me anymore. I ordered some lighter coffee from Nespresso, so we will see. A cup with cream in the morning is all I’m drinking now.

(Geoffrey) #22

I like to say that you’re only limited by your imagination.


Alvaro said he wouldn’t touch it if I do it.
Does it sound THAT horrible? :smiley: I know I would like it.
I only have 500g liver and 500g heart and I like when the liver is overpowered, I just forgot it in the supermarket. Sigh. Maybe I take out some of the liver afterwards.

Today’s food was nice enough despite the pâté (but I felt everything bitter right after I ate it). Only ate a little pork shoulder, I will air fry the leftovers tomorrow.

The cream is wonderful now (it’s the same like with cheese: I stop eating the good stuff for weeks and it will be even way better afterwards) and after eating all the lean pork and lots of pâté (mine isn’t nearly as fatty as the supermarket one!), I probably still have great macros :slight_smile:
Perfect satiation and everything, this week goes well. We had eggs in purgatory today so I had a tiny tomato sauce but the amount stuck to my eggs is really not significant.
Strawberry season started, I picked 7 and didn’t eat one :slight_smile: I won’t mention them anymore but it was day 1 and I handled it as well as I expected.

(KM) #24

Dinner on the road. (That’s a spritzer with dry red wine, not a 14 oz pour!)


Squid and steak (Porterhouse) at the pub for my brother’s 60th.

Crunching at work.

(Karen) #26

Food pics

Yesterday evening sirloin (small) and cheese and bacon omelette first meal of the day today at 1500hrs. Weather has been glorious yesterday and today, no cold wind just pure glorious warm sunshine.
Garden now getting too hot to sit out in… goes from one extreme to the other but lovely to get sun on the skin and maybe start browning these winter white pins of mine :joy: since leaving work they brown pretty quickly to be fair… quickest than ever in my life lol!
I am cutting down on portion sizes now the warmer weather has arrived… hardly felt ready to eat at 3pm today but i suppose that could also be because i have started drinking coffee again… still using a straw and drinking a hot water chaser to cut down any staining. Needing the loo more though but i would rather that than stained teeth!

Booked on to CrossFit for the Saturday teams session so hopefully will get a good sleep friday evening! Dancing tomorrow afternoon and Saturday evening so plenty exercise for this weekend. Also increased the reps for my morning exercises with DBb’s and increased reps for the hand release push ups and sittups. Planning to be walking more now the warm weather has arrived.


Fortunately the weather is perfect here, I am already a bit inactive since days, don’t want to imagine what would happen in hot weather…

I still need to learn my lessons about meat. Just because I ate pork shoulder (after 16 mins of air frying it lost a ton of lard again… but it was crispy and the fat layers still had some fat, it wasn’t bad… but I liked when it was fattier. next time I will use a pan and only for the last minutes the air fryer as I do like the crunch it gives just not the dry leanness and how crazy I can say that about my originally super fatty pork shoulder?), I won’t be happy with the leanest green ham slices (even if they looked slightly marbled). They weren’t bad. Just leanish therefore less tempting. And while I theoretically ate enough, I still was hungry.
I always need to have proper and tempting red meat on hand. Maybe one day it will sink in. I don’t even have any in the freezer as the slabs are so small, I just ate them up quickly. And I forgot about the existence of processed meats in the fridge.
I totally should have fried my fattier green ham.
Why is it this hard I have no idea.

I went off and I am not happy. But I just restart, even June won’t keep me from that. And try to keep myself from eating early and drinking coffee, these two easily mess up things for me.

(Judy Thompson) #28

Went to breakfast at 1, before my vein treatment. Restaurant food isn’t the best, got scrambled eggs and sausage. 5 hours ago and I’m now famished.
During lunch the dr’s office call to “reschedule” for 2 weeks from now! Pffft.
So we drove to Kerrville instead, about 45 minutes, to get an electric battery for the growing collection of EGO tools. So many dead trees now.

Yesterday the brewery had a special sirloin with a wine reduction sauce. It was good. I used to make that sauce, it’s broth with wine in it simmered for a couple hours to reduce it. There wasn’t much of the sauce, just enough to give it a little flavor.
Tomorrow, back on the payroll! :rofl: This week I started working on Orange Blossom Special again. I’m surprised how much easier it is since I last worked on it 10 or 15 years ago.

(Geoffrey) #29

One of my favorites. Looks like a tough piece.

(Geoffrey) #30

Just some smoked lamb taquitos today.

(Karen) #31

Well i had a heavy exercise day yesterday. Started with a bit of stair running and straight into my ritual db exercises and push and sit ups then read in the garden. Ran to CrossFit did a great cv workout in a team of 4… not a lot of rest time even so and ran home again. Felt very warm during the CF session and on the run home. We have had beautiful weather this week… so nice not to have a chilly wind with the sunshine…it really felt like summer and we are still in springtime
… 27° today… as usual it is either hot or cold here… one extreme to the other!

I was invited round for more snuggles with li’l Freddie which was super lovely. I bought a big brown huggable bear in Ikea and took that round for him to grow into :grin:
Went dancing last night to Cranwell village near Sleaford. We had a lovely evening but it is a bit of a drive there and back so got home pretty late and pretty hungry! I had eaten 2 duck breast fillets before going and they were to die for. I got them reduced in Lidl and they were quite big but i had no probs eating both as they were the first and only meal before off to the dance. Saw me right through but just started feeling i was running on empty en route back home. I cooked up about 6 rashers of bacon when i got in!.

Have been tired today…got up early as i was expecting the car detailing man to turn up… but he was a no show! This was the 2nd appointment after he cancelled at the last min last week… can’t say i was a happy bunny this morning but didn’t let it get to me, i just put the hose away and all the towels and plastic stuff i had put down the hall to protect the floor. Car will just have to stay grubby for now…
Not worth my BP rising over it😉 took Raymond to the garden centre for a brew and a walkabout then went to Aldi and Lidl and bought some bedding plants which were so much cheaper than the gc.
I had a cheese and bacon omelette but was distracted by a little bee that was in my kitchen window and chucked the eggs in without whisking them with a fork first… i usually pop them in a big cup and fork them then empty cup into omelette pan…so they were scrambled up as an afterthought once they were in the pan but edible!
This evening i had a packet of beef meatballs and i think they had cheese in the centre they were very tasty
Ate them with chunks of butter…nice.

I had the wings when i returned home from dancing in Lichfield on Friday afternoon they were hot n spicy from the Co-op (reduced) and were super tasty.

(Karen) #32

Forgot to mention that i definitely have a pair of great tits nesting in the little caravan bird box. I had been watching what i thought was one tit checking out the box but this morning there was a lot more activity with 2 tits in and out. I guess there must be some eggs in there now so am excitedly awaiting the next stage of little babies popping their heads out in the next few weeks! :smiley: hopefully it won’t be too much of an emotional rollercaster again hahahah!

Now how did that baby pic get in there??? :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::rofl::rofl:

(Judy Thompson) #33

Oh Freddie’s adorable! Love the shot of him laughing!
I made a carnivore sauce from a Kelly Hogan carnivore video for the chicken today and it included mustard which doesn’t agree with my stomach! Good to try things I guess.
It also included butter, egg yolks and vinegar.

In the 2nd pic, I made a patty from shredded chicken breast and an egg, which I gave to hubby with that sauce. I just had the wings with some of the sauce and some pork rinds dipped in yogurt. That was the last of that chicken!


It’s soooo amazing how they can smile at such a young age. I love that picture. :heart:


I tried cooking with wine a few times. Not my thing, apparently. It sounds nice in theory though… Oh well.

Mysteries of life, we understand it just happens sometimes. By the way, very relevant for the bird talk, great tits have babies, humans have babies, circle of life and everything :smiley:
Fun and good photo, by the way. It makes me smile too :heart:

If I am here, I bring my only food pic lately too. My food is usually the same, still no new proper lens, my skills don’t get any better and I just don’t bother. But we have rabbit now. Nothing particularly interesting but not super common as my fried green ham (it’s below the rabbit):

The fattiest little rabbit I ever saw. Very visible fat in raw state and while eating, I bit on some super soft, fatty pieces. It was nice and the little bunny has a very pleasant mild taste. This time the liver and kidney was cooked in the stew and the liver tasted more liver-like than usual (usually it’s almost tasteless, now it was a bit liver-y and slightly bitter).

I still don’t want to restart tracking. Except some guesstimation for meat. I just try to focus less on food (and coffee).

Weather is nice, we need some rain now but it doesn’t come. So. Many. Flowers. I don’t even write down what I have in my garden but it’s A LOT of different ones. Even my beautiful, very fragrant pink roses bloom is big numbers :smiley: It has nothing on my (pink) peonies though. I don’t particularly like pink (I strongly disliked it as a kid. didn’t even consider it a color. it was invalid for me like low-fat dairy) but they are flowers (and they were here when we bought the house.)… And now I appreciate certain shades better. The proper, stronger ones, not the pale ones. I even have hot pink socks (for fun) and a very hot pink shirt (for visibility, I rarely wear it). The rose is a peachy pink and the peony is purplish pink, not so bad. I saw some very pale pink periwinkles yesterday, that is not what I like at all. I probably will get the hot pink and white ones (options here are limited), my pansies died early and I need them in their place.

(Geoffrey) #36

Chicken fried venison steak smothered in carnivore gravy and eggs today. Of course the breading on the steaks was pork rind panko.


@Geezy56: I start to get hungry… I still don’t eat many eggs but I do have an eggier phase where my desires are considered… Runny yolks are the best.

New week, I restart the usual. Try to behave real well.
I go cooking soon, already had a little quark at noon when I got a tad hungry, amazing that it did the trick. It was lovely but not sour enough. Oh well, I always can add some sour cream, we almost run out of it though, the rabbit had a sour cream sauce if I haven’t mentioned it before.
I have a baking phase now and I have quark to use up so I go back to my carnivore biscuit experiments! Last time I got some nice results with quark. Cheese is great at crunchy but I never liked a lot of cheese in my food, just on top or simply eating it. I did try egg+cheese biscuits but they weren’t a hit. So I try to use other items, dairy is easy, meat is more difficult as I need to grind it at some point and I need to wash the lil machine afterwards… I like when it’s simpler. Anyway, I don’t necessarily want meaty biscuits. Maybe with bacon or smoked ham, that is a nice biscuit flavor…

I had food dreams again. Non-carnivore and it wasn’t even tasty. Even in the dream I thought I can bake much better stuff. I think it was the first dream where I tasted the food, I mean, didn’t just eat it but felt the flavor.
Why can’t I taste a food that tastes wonderful…? It’s my dream, my brain! Unfair.

Sunny day again. We have a very diligent mole. If it doesn’t dig up the stones around the fireplace outside, it attacks my vegs in my tiny veggie patch! I need to replant them too often. The cats can catch moles but they haven’t killed this one yet. I am fine with it living but STOP doing it in that small area.

I think I didn’t say we went to get eggs from the greengrocery again. And we had 121 eggs right afterwards. It’s a decent amount, even plenty now that we don’t eat up 70 a week anymore! Good. 120 is just a safe number now. Though we always can quicken up the pace for a little while.

(Karen) #38

@JJFiddle i tend not to make any sauces now though sometime a sauce is already on the chicken wings or pork ribs that i buy… if it comes in a sachet to add at end of cooking it goes in the bin and i try to scrape off if i think there is too much which won’t dry out through cooking. I find butter is more my go to if i think the meat is going to be a bit dry.

@Shinita you know the insipid colours like washed out pinks etc just make the deeper colours more vibrant and pop more so a few of the paler colours don’t go amiss in the garden. Mind you having said that i don’t have any pale colours in the garden at the mo… still time for them to bloom though. I picked up bedding plants… petunias and a few annual fuscias yesterday, may have said already in last post and planted them out this morning. I am sitting in the garden resting now and watching the tits scurrying in and put of the nesting box. I love being retired … i may not have noticed them had i been still working! It is the little wonders in life that you can appreciate when you’re retired. Wouldn’t like to be so busy that they pass me by now. Don’t get me wrong i still like to be busy but this beautiful weather we are having at the moment has been long coming and i am making the most of it.

Thank you everyone who has commented on l’il Freddie … he is growing so quickly… no concerns there i can tell you… he likes his food and his little belly has grown in just a week… just don’t want him to grow up too fast but time doesn’t stand still. I must admit my BP is much more on a lower plateau since he was born which is great… 108/58 this morning and i am feeling good. I love that i am not getting stressed out over the incumberances of life… car journeys and silly people and having my time wasted are not affecting me now as they would have pre-stroke and pre-retirement and i think having really settled into this woe has played a part in that too. I don’t even stress out in restuarants any more amd just accept when i don’t get enough to satiate a baby! Doesn’t happen too often these days … thankfully.

Well it is 1pm and i reckon i should make an omelette as i pulled stuff out of the freezer a bit late so it won’t have defrosted yet. I have some yukkie cheddar cheese (Lidl’s) to use up and hopefully i won’t be distracted 8n thr kitchen this time … note to self: beat the eggs :grin:


If it’s looking at a bunch of flowers, maybe… I like to look at individual colors and I really don’t like pale pinks there. Hot pink is super fun though. There is a tiny wildflower, very common around here. Hot pink as accent works great and that tiny flower is very noticeable from far :smiley:
If I want a subtle color among the bright/darker ones, I use white. That’s very nice.

I had a smallish lunch and now, 1 hour later I am hungry… But in an okay way, I can wait. I plan frying some fish as I have eaten my meat and pork needs a long time to defrost and cook but fish is quick. Anyway, variety. Pork, rabbit and fish today (and eggs and dairy, obviously)! I have some turkey pâté too but no sponge cakes to go with it. I can eat it alone but it is better with sponge cake buns, it lasts longer.

My biscuits are nice but only the thinnest, most cheesy ones (as I used some grated Grana Padano in some in the end…) got crispy. My experiments continue…

(Karen) #40

Omelette was good … no distractions and then i had some cheddar and then a packet of meatballs… very tasty