Mass shootings & 1978 dietary guidlines?

(Ross) #1

Graphic from Washington Post


Obviously, correlation does not mean causation, but I couldn’t help but notice that the increase in school shootings / mass shootings has a high correlation with the increase in obesity rates & both seem to tick up right around the time that the new high carb low fat dietary guidelines were implemented.

Makes me wonder if this isn’t in some part related to a mental health issue associated with the change in diet.

(Trish) #2

Certainly worth considering.

(Ken) #3

The other obvious correlation is with the establishment of the Dept. of Education, by Jimmy Carter.

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #4

Correlation isn’t causation.
Many things changed, beyond the dietary guidelines in that period, including interpretation of the second amendment. Without getting into the whole politics of the gun debate, I think we can accept that many other countries adopted some version of the 1980 Dietary Guidelines and have not seen similar correlation. Context matters, so I am not sure that you could single out the dietary guidelines as causative without a larger context.

Also: moving to Community.

(Todd Allen) #5

I blame SUGAR. However, ethical restrictions on scientific research probably prevent us from doing RCTs with guns, butter and sugar.

(Ross) #6

of course, we’re one of the few nations that has availability of arms (as you mention)…so I wouldn’t expect exactly the same trend outside of the USA even with the same dietary factors…

(Ken) #7

Since all this is speculation, gun violence has been trending down the last several decades, obesity is up, cancer is up. Soooo, when Society gets fatter, gun violence goes down. But, it still occurs occasionally where there are cafeterias. No, I’m not trying to make sense.

(Ross) #8

Not talking about generalized gun violence.
Mass shootings appear to be on the rise both in number and rate of casualties.
We were running one mass shooting every three days in the USA for the first few months this year.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #9

I seriously doubt there’s any correlation. Look at everything that has risen healthwise within the same time period… allergies, ADHD diagnosis, skin cancer, autism diagnosis.

(Candy Lind) #10

Dr. Georgia Ede would agree.

All autoimmune-related, and many would say all are ameliorated with paleo/lchf/keto. Why couldn’t an action caused by mental illness relate to diet?

(Vladaar Malane) #12

Well food as well as Mental Health drugs. They seem to be exempt from blame when people go off while taking mind altering drugs.

And as always people are trying to push a agenda. There are a ton of shootings where the bad guy/girl are stopped/killed by a good guy/girl with or without a guy but rarely does it make the news.

As well as plenty of stabbings and forced entries where guns are prohibited but… This is keto and not really politics so I’ll leave it at that.

But yeah food could be influencing. Let’s face it scientists are even making fake meat now. How safe is this stuff and these processed things that are approved for consumption?

(LeeAnn Brooks) #13

For one there is no difinative link between mental illness and mass shootings. Based on statistics, those who suffer from mental illness are far more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators. Also blaming the mentally ill ignores the fact that mass shootings are largely an American phenomenon whereas mental illness is not unique to the US.

(Randy) #14

Availability of weapons that can fire 30 rounds/sec might have something to do with it. Hard to kill 50 people with a hand gun or a rifle.

The logic of civilians with semi-automatic weapons escapes me.

(Ross) #15

Is their diagnosis present in DSM5?

DSM is only represents a flawed and fluid understanding of abnormal psychology, it does not define it.

Do all mass shooters have Antisocial Personality Disorder?

I don’t know. It seems to go without saying that, at least for that moment, the shooters did behave as if they were sociopaths or for a time had very abnormal psychology.

(Alec) #16

This reminds me of my university economics degree, we were always discussing guns and butter! Still don’t understand why! :grin:

(Alec) #17

As an outsider (from the UK and live in Australia), the US just seems like it has this vast gun culture that does not exist elsewhere. I am 53 years old and lived in those 2 countries all my life, the only time I have ever seen an actual gun in real life is on a policeman’s holster in Aus (they don’t have them in the UK), and on the firing range at school (part of the combined cadet force).

The impression I get as an outsider is that guns are everywhere in the US. This may be totally wrong, but that is the perception from afar.

(Doug) #18

With the increase in obesity, the targets got much larger and were slower-moving.

(Ross) #19

Had to go dig up her presentation! Thanks for the reminder!

(Edith) #20

No, unfortunately, you are correct. :disappointed_relieved:

(Doug) #21

There are only about 300 million guns in the U.S. :smile:

My employer is headquartered in the state of West Virginia, and some of the local taverns and pubs regularly hold raffles and drawings for guns. One of my co-workers has won 6 or 7 guns that way.