Mark Sisson's blog on fasting--good, bad & ugly

(Jo Lo) #1

(Cathy Schroder) #2

I read this earlier today somewhere else. It certainly differs in opinion to a lot of Jason Fung’s statements about fasting. My gut instinct is to back Dr Fung on this one.

(Bart) #3

I thought that was a great blog post. He did not say don’t do it, he did not even say don’t do an extended fast, only to to be aware of some of the side effects. I am glad he pointed out that most of his cited studies or examples were single individuals. I also thought he did a good job of pointing out many of the benefits of the fast. I think people need to remember that Fung treats obese patients, he will not treat those who are not obese and Fung himself over and over again talks about how lean people may not have many reasons to do long extended fasts. I do not think Mark SIsson was writing that blog post for just obese people, in fact he pointed out in part of it about how fasting may not be the way to lose that last bit of “baby” fat. I think Sisson did a good job with that write up.

(Jo Lo) #4

Good points.
In addition, the comments below the blog are quite interesting and well informed, IMO.