Mailing List Mode?

(Denise) #1

I found a post by Richard done in 2016 about Mailing List Mode in order to have email notifications start coming to my email.

I hope this “setting” works because I have other things to do online, but hate missing posts on here. This is a very important site for me. I did find the “setting” and if anyone else doesn’t know about it, look here: Mailing List Mode to get email Notifications

I’ll come back and let you know if it works for me, the setting was easy, but the instructions were, again, from 2016.


(Denise) #2

Looks like that Mailing List mode did something crazy, as I’m getting a mass of Email Notifications, can’t even keep up!! So these aren’t all new it looks like, I’ll explore further and let folks know here. Denise

(Blyss) #3

I think you can better clarify what you want regarding new posts. You can narrow it down, I think under “Notifications”.

(Denise) #4

I’ve been trying to do exactly that. Today I’ve gotten 14 alerts in email, so far, and ready to take mine off Mailing list mode. I use to get ordinary notifications on threads and posts I had on “watch”. Then something changed, which I didn’t change, and stopped getting any email alerts for my watched threads.

Do you get email notifications, just the threads you are watching? If so, I would love to see your settings so I could try them? Thanks much for replying to my topic, Denise

(Blyss) #5

I keep my email notifications to a minimum. This is a screenshot of my email settings.

(Denise) #6

Thanks Blyss, those are the same as I have mine, except I went ahead with checking the box for Activity Summary. I’ll see how that goes.

I got an email for you replying to me, so that setting is how I want it now, I so appreciate your help! Denise

(Blyss) #7

Yay! Happy to help even a little bit. :slightly_smiling_face:

(Denise) #8

You helped a lot just replying to me because I just needed a bit of encouragement and that got me to looking through the settings way more carefully, again, and just did some trial and error! Now I’m getting emails on topic I’m in!! Yeehaw!

(Blyss) #9
