Lowered metabolism - why is this a problem?

(Kaiden) #21

There are those who say that OMAD will wreck your metabolism.

And the same is often said for not eating breakfast.

And that fat burns in the flame of carbohydrates.

It’s all SSDD.

(GINA ) #22

I think if a person was healthy with a ‘slow’ (needing less energy to perform necessary functions) metabolism that would be an evolutionary advantage.

If a person’s metabolism slows itself down in response to an energy shortage by sacrificing functions (body heat, cell rejuvenation, etc), then that is not healthy.

(Kirk) #23

I’ve noticed the same thing, I eat way less than I used to, but feel well fed. My metabolism is likely lower than before, but having less meat machine to push around makes that normal.

As to the reactions to your post, people should relax a bit here. We’re all here for our own health reasons, we have different past issues and goals. There is no ‘one true path’ in life or eating.

I’m lucky enough to have only had weight loss and improved lifestyle as my goals when beginning this path. I have a lot of empathy for people with more serious issues to address, but common curtesy to each other’s opinions and posts is not too much to expect in my opinion.

(Brian) #24

What comes to mind is the idea that there is a finite amount of nutrition in a given amount of food. There is a level of consumption under which you will not get what you need even if you get your “calorie requirements”. There is no way I could suggest what that level is. It won’t be the same for everyone. Your body can store or dump or burn what it doesn’t need. But it can’t create or assemble some things that you don’t consume, especially if you’ve not given it the raw materials.


Short answer – exercise. In most cases, I consider exercise for the sake of exercise to be “wasted energy”.

(Bunny) #26

Being that losing weight (WAT fat) is not a natural process because it is contrary to human biological survival mechanisms.

Speed up the metabolism to shed the WAT; slow it down to increase BAT; to maintain low WAT and higher BAT = MAINTAINING A HEALTHY WEIGHT (BMI) TO WAT RATIO?

What determines longevity: Metabolic rate or stability? Author information: “…That is, metabolic rate is thought to be inversely proportional to maximum lifespan, which means that species that live fast will die young while those that have a slower metabolic rate live slower and longer. …” (i.e. resting state metabolism RSM is key? e.g. meditation; neuro-cardio-respiratory synchronization = increased telomerase?)


Increase Your Brown Fat (BAT) to Maintain a Healthy Body Weight
(Alec) #27

I run. I don’t consider having fun and improving my health wasting energy. I think it is a great use of energy.


Exactly my point. You having fun means it is more than exercise for the sake of exercise. It is for your sake.


@atomicspacebunny – Wait, wut? What’s WAT?

Y’all use a lot of acronyms here, (or perhaps I should say YUALOFAH). Is there a Keto Acronym Glossary (KAG) somewhere?

(Bunny) #30


Resting metabolic rate:

What Your Heart Rate Reveals About You?

Did you ever wonder why your doctor takes your pulse? Well, it’s a quick indicator of how fit you are. The average person has a resting pulse rate of between 70 and 75 beats per minute. Fit people who get lots of aerobic exercise having resting pulse rates in the 50s and 60s. Some professional athletes have resting pulse rates as low as the upper 30s. On the other side, unfit people have resting pulse rates of 80, 90 or more beats per minute.

Any of you who take up regular aerobic exercise will notice that your resting pulse rate will drop over time — meaning that your heart does not have to work as hard and beat as many times per minute to get nutrients and oxygen distributed to all of your body.

The best time to measure your resting pulse rate is when you first wake up in the morning and are still in bed. Even light walking will cause the heart to beat a little faster, and drinking coffee or soda with caffeine will artificially raise your pulse rate by a great deal. During the night, your body flushes out most caffeine, so taking your pulse the next day is the best true indicator of your resting pulse rate.

If you have ever had a cardiac stress test done, this test is controlled by your heart rate. You are initially at rest on a treadmill with an apparatus hooked up to you, which monitors your heart rate and provides EKG readings, among other things. The treadmill is gradually increased in both speed and incline. This continues until you reach a heart rate that’s 80 percent of the maximum for someone of your age. Then the test stops.

People who are sedentary and unfit might get to their maximum in less than 5 minutes of very slow walking. A very fit runner might be on the treadmill for 30 minutes, and at the end of the test the treadmill forces the person to run fast and the incline is high. So the stress test determines how fit you are in addition to abnormalities in your heart. …More


I burn energy by jumping to conclusions, stretching the truth, dodging responsibility, pushing my luck, carrying things too far, and leaping before I look.

(Bunny) #32


Let’s see some N=1 pulse rate (HR) stats (no cheating)?

Resting: ___


Physical Exertion (slow jogging/treadmill 15 or 20 minutes): ___

Does keto with no exercise or exercise make a difference?


[1]“…If you want to determine your maximum heart rate, or the maximum number of times your heart can beat per minute, subtract your age from 220. Say, for example, you are 40 years old. Subtracting 40 from 220 leaves 180, the maximum number of heart beats per minute for a 40-year-old. …More


@Kaiden - totally agree. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard, “better not do that because your body will go into starvation mode”, as though the person saying that could precisely define starvation mode or predict when it will occur.



I weighed 650 pounds at the end of 2016. I now weigh 463 (as of yesterday). I barely exercise at all, and check my vitals every morning. My average resting pulse rate last month was 55, ranging from 46 to 65.

I was vastly unfit 16 months ago. I am still vastly unfit. Not just as much as I was. I have been homebound for five years, and need a wheelchair to get around, although I can do my own transfers. I am the poster boy for beyond sedentary.


Gina – my bias is towards your first point - I think slow metabolism is an advantage (until I see some evidence to the contrary). I’m thinking that if I need less food to run my Base Metabolism, it’s an indication of greater fitness and efficiency. But again, I may be missing something obvious.

On the other hand, I notice that I get chilled more easily now. Of course, that could be related to not having 55 pounds of lard on my frame.


Hey @OgreZed – I just browsed your profile and previous messages – quite the path you are on. Your T2D reversal is amazing (you went from metformin and a vial of insulin per day to off meds, right?). What a great Keto testimonial.

Why do you think your heart rate is so low? I think I read once that really heavy guys have to exert so much effort on a day to day basis just to get around, that they have higher strength and fitness versus a lightweight person who is sedentary. Do you think that’s what’s going on?

(Alec) #37

Absolutely. I love it when we violently agree!! :grin::grin:

(Alec) #38

I do those as well, but less frequently than I used to as I am now often out running! :running_man:t2:‍♂:rofl:

n=1 numbers to start this off

Resting HR 40
Treadmill HR 115 (ish)
Max HR 176
Age. 53
VO2max (I am showing off now) 46

(Candy Lind) #39

YES. I just added WAT & BAT to it because they didn’t register for me, either.


Correct. Lazy Keto reduced my insulin usage, but reduced calorie Keto eliminated both insulin and metformin. And my blood sugar is under much better control. Typically under 100 without insulin where it used to often be over 160 while using insulin.

I would have said part of it is my size – I’m 6’5". That it takes longer for the blood to circulate, so the heart beat is slower. However, my average resting pulse rate in January of 2017 was 72. So it has gone down significantly.

But as far as exertion for heavy guys, that would mean my heart rate should have gone up, not down, as I got smaller. It’s not like I’ve increased my activity level. It takes a lot less effort to do my transfers now.