Low mood


I see you may have tried 5 -HTP. How did it work?

(CyndiL) #22

The mood issue has much improved for me. I have added L-Theanine in the morning with my coffee. I also take L-Acetyl-Tyrosine. At night I take 5HTP (200mgs) and after about 1 week I could tell I felt ‘better’. It’s a very subtle effect. Maybe better quality sleep? I also just added GABA in the evening as well. This is just the ‘cocktail’ that came up in my research and it seems to be helping - I have much more stamina during the day it seems. Thank you for the book reference… I will check that out. I am one of those people who have always had ‘borderline’ brain chemistry but not enough to do well on the standard antidepressants. At least not for long term.

I am 10 weeks down now with keto and have dropped 10 pounds and 10 inches. Fasting blood glucose is down from a 95-105 range to 80-83. Those are the ‘measurables’ for now, besides kicking butt in my workouts now and feeling like I have a good keto groove going! I do a 24 hour fast about 2-3 times a week, and the rest of the days range from 16-20 hours fasting. I can see eventually doing one meal a day. Not sure I am ready to try 2-3 days yet!

This is amazing really, it all finally ‘clicked’ around weeks 9 and 10. I can’t wait to see what’s next! Thanks for the response and input!

(CyndiL) #23

I also added an Emu oil supplement and increased my D3 to accommodate ‘winter’. :slight_smile:

(Martha Stone Schueler) #24

Cyndi—i am an in and out ketoer, so am no expert on this discipline!! But I do want to send you lots of encouragement. I have battled low moods for decades, so your words are familiar. If you can get through it , ‘Noon Day Demon” is an extremely helpful (and huge) book, with alot of great advice about depression. Keep up healthy eating and exercise, my friend! :rainbow:

(Renee Slaughter) #25

Hi Cyndi,
What’s your fat like? I have bipolar depression. After 2 months on keto I never felt that mental clarity or burst of energy.This is my third month and my mood has lifted. I wake up feeling well. I have consistency during the day. I have increased confidence. I walk like a boss. I feel so good. But it took a while for keto to heal my brain sufficiently… So Keep Calm and Keto on. You may not get the clarity of high energy of that others get but you will feel better.

(CyndiL) #26

Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I am now ending my 5th month of keto and I am feeling pretty great! I have recently gone through the passing of my dear father, and in the past, something like this would knock me down into a depression. I of course am grieving and have sadness, but I am also at peace and feel ‘stable and calm’ through the sadness. I credit my stable hormonal makeup that I have achieved now with keto. i also recently had my A1C checked and I have dropped from 5.2 to 4.7in 5 months! I know more than ever that my body is healing from the inside out. I’ve lost about 18 pounds, 8% body fat, 4" off my waist. The scale weight is slow but overall, I know I am on the right track and feeling good! Things are starting to ‘move’ now for me. Thanks for your kind words!