Low-carb puppy food

(Denise) #21

Oh thanks juju, yeah that wouldn’t happen to Annie anyway I was just kind of being silly but she sleeps in her crate at night she probably always will the last dog I had for 15 years from a puppy she was so easy to train because I had a big backyard and doggie door you know all the comforts but this time it’s harder having a puppy and an apartment or have to walk quite a ways to even get us outside but I’m going to keep on working with her on the leash so we can go out for sing in the morning I’ll go take a look at the bells thanks again we’ll talk to you later. Just took a look and those are really cute and inexpensive I hesitate to get them for her now because I know her and she would be playing with them all day long she tries to jump up and get my workout resistance bands that are hanging they’re much too high for her to reach luckily I doubt if she’ll ever be big enough to reach but she’ll probably get over that when she gets a little older I get kind of upset with her puppy Hood but I know I’ll miss that when she gets older and you know I’m sure you understand you’ve got dogs had dogs have dogs now, thanks again, Denise :smile:

(Geoffrey) #22

My dogs eat what we eat which is mostly fat and meat. They get an occasional dog biscuit as a treat.
When my dogs are puppies and the bite it all depends on the circumstance on what I do. If we are playing and it’s a playful bite just grabbing my hand or arm then no big deal. It’s playtime.
If it’s an accident and not malicious then I just clean the wound and that’s it.
If it’s malicious then I grab them by the muzzle and hold on until they cry. They learn that I’m dominant and if they hurt my I will hurt them.
I’ve never had one of my dogs bite me after they become adults except as accidents. I can forgive that but if any of them did I maliciously I would knock their heads off.
I even train my dogs to allow me to take their food away from them and only eat when I give them permission. They can have the meatiest bone in their jaws and I can take it form them without fear of getting bit.
I am the alpha and they know it.


Haha, yup, puppy teeth are SHARP, aside from a real good NO! And maybe a puppy level slap for it, lots of teething toys. For my dog when he was a puppy he liked the ones with a little bit of chew on them, the Kong stuff is real good and can withstand a real good chewing, flavored ones were preferred for him. Some let you put treats in them so it occupied them aside from the chewing. These days he just demolishes anything he gets (chew toy wise) but he still things he’s a lap dog instead of the 100lb wrecking ball that he is. Keeping them off furniture is a good thing to break in right out of the gate as well! That one took a while.

(Denise) #24

I get this, and if we are playing than it’s different. The ignore thing is working for me, plus she gets that I won’t play if she gets too rough. One thing I do realize is she can’t be taught that bad-behaviour is ok. She is catching on fast to things, she is starting to like the cuddling, tummy rubbing, etc. that calms her down. If that doesn’t happen I put her down and like now, she’s gone to play with her toys.

Honestly, I’ve barely managed to keep this puppy at times, but after following some steps I’ve been shown, things are beginning to work. I thought for awhile I would not be able to handle her. I’m glad to say, what I’ve learned has been some of the best education I’ve gotten.

I see your way is good as well because that’s more like adult dogs deal with puppies. Plus, puppies getting too rough with each other. I think establishing who’s the Alpha is important, Denise

(Denise) #25

I love the chew toys I got for Annie, the two I got her (breeder gave me 3) but mine are both from Kong. They are very good and she likes both. She just wasn’t used to not having the other puppies to play with, but she has been very self-entertaining from the start, yay for me and my me-time like now :slight_smile:

I don’t want her getting up on furniture, and she’ll always be in her crate at night. My other dog slept on my bed all of her 15 years, but I’m different now, like my own space etc. but I think all I’m doing/learning to do has been the best ways. Especially not giving her free reign over my apt/home. Several people were asked what their biggest problem was with puppies, and they all answered “too much freedom”. So when it’s “my time” she goes in her crate. This way she is getting the rest she needs as well, Read about that early on thank goodness :wink: Denise


Oh! Don’t hesitate for that reason. That is a great opportunity for the training! Yes they will play with the bell sometimes, but the minute they do you pick her up, praise “oh! You have to go potty? Good girl!” And then take her right outside. Trust me it won’t take long for her to equate the bell with going outside. The more opportunities you have to reward her with going outside right after ringing the bell the better. :blush:


You’re doing great though. The amount of love you have for her and are showing her is perfect. It will pay off. But having boundaries IS love. I know some people don’t see it that way with children and are more permissive for fear of being unloving. But discipline IS love. They end up hurting their kids thinking love is constant permissiveness. Sounds nice, but not realistic in practice.

It’s the same with dogs. For their safety and others around them they must learn boundaries and sometimes that requires firmness, not fluffy love.

You are approaching all this in a real balanced way. She will continue to be a joy to you. And you’re right it recognizing that however challenging her playfulness is right now you will one day look back and crack up over this period. Our Roxie chewed through two of my nicest sandals in her first month with us. She always had to have one of my shoes on her pillow bed. She never touched anyone else’s shoes but mine. We learned she liked having “mommy’s smell” close to her. We were able to train her away from taking my shoes but to this day she is obsessed with our socks. All of them. :rofl: She never chews holes in them. She likes them near her and she likes to lick them. Lol. Any given day socks are strewn across both levels of our house like toys as she hunts them down for comfort even 4 years later.

Yesterday I was folding clothes and I have a box where I kept stray socks waiting to find their matches. I died laughing at how she looked longingly at them. It’s like her own personal box of chocolates. :rofl: Understanding her cute history as a puppy makes it funny.

(Denise) #28

Wow, I never thought of that!! I don’t “think” of a lot of things of course :wink: Thanks for this juju, I will try it! I’ll go ahead and order them now, Denise

(Denise) #29

Oh I so loved this story, Annie is like that, never makes any holes in anything, but I keep things out of reach I don’t want to take the chance with. She can smell me on her toys as we both touch them when playing, so maybe that works good as well. I admit if she gets one of my socks it cracks me up. She’s so little, and the sock looks so big, even though it’s just a 5.5 size, LOL!

She really is a good match for me and I couldn’t see it until I started understanding the way of such a young, little puppy. I guess it’s like learning to sort of think like her, Denise :heart: PS at first I really didn’t think I could keep her, I’m so glad I didn’t give up :heart:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #30

She’s a sweetheart! :heart:

Dogs don’t get into ketosis as easily as people do. However, a low-carb diet is still good for them. They also do better on a lean diet, which is why the Inuit feed their dogs the leaner parts of the animal, saving the fattier parts for themselves. If you can find cheap cuts of meat, you can feed her those, cutting off any fat to use for yourself. I used to know a number of people over the Net who fed their dogs raw food and swore by it.

As for poop-eating, it’s disgusting from our point of view, but not necessarily from the animals’. Rat-owners have to get used to the idea of coprophagy, because rats don’t have long enough digestive tracts to be able to extract all the goodness out of their food in one pass. So they swallow the faeces again and extract more nutrition. Sometimes, if you are particularly observant, you can notice stools from the first pass, but what we rat owners generally see is almost always the result of the second pass through the digestive tract, pellets that are hard and dry.


OK that shouldn’t be as interesting as it is. :rofl: But it’s fascinating. Lol

(Denise) #32

I think when I’m settled paul, get familiar with what will be my fave grocery-stores, etc., I will look for meats, how much puppy will be eating, and maybe try this. I know you are well-read, and just wonder about a more keto, diet would be. Thing is, aren’t dogs also omniverous? So I would have to get some of those foods in as well?

I mean they aren’t original carnivores right? I think the Inuit would probably feed their dogs the same because what else did they have. Their dogs did thrive as far as we know. I wonder what their life-expectancy is? They aren’t even vaccinated, or weren’t because all the diseases came from humans and their environments. Do rats live in the Arctic regions?

Good info, really awakened my brain, such as it is, this a.m. :wink: Thanks much, Denise

(KM) #33

It’s not super relevant, I’m just in a curious mood this morning. Apparently wolves do eat some berries - on purpose, not just the accidental contamination. Of course wolves are not dogs, and much like early humans they seem to have taken advantage of the … literally lowest hanging fruit, so it’s not really clear whether they Need plants in their diet or just accept them.

(Denise) #34

I read something, somewhere?? yesterday that they will eat other things when their “other” food supply is not available. Makes sense to me, and once they get a taste and actually like the berries, who knows :wink: Also bears eat berries and people right, lol!! Oh man, I’ll never forget a movie called “The Edge” :scream:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #35

Dogs are commonly considered carnivores by biologists. They may eat non-meat foods, but it is rare in nature. That’s why dogs on a standard commercial plant-based diet tend to have health problems, and why people who feed their dogs raw meat see improvements in their animals’ health.

Animals and people often don’t get the same diseases. For example, most respiratory viruses don’t pass between people and rats. However, dogs and rats and people can all get rabies. Likewise, deer don’t suffer from Lyme disease, even though they have the bacterium, whereas that bacterium makes people pretty sick. It just totally depends. (Diseases that we can catch from animals are called zoonoses, by the way.)

Rats don’t live in the Arctic, because it’s too cold. They originated in China, and have traveled with people (on ships or in caravans) to all the places they’ve reached so far. There are two species: Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus. R. rattus was the first to make the trek with us; R. norvegicus came later. They have largely displaced earlier colonies of R. rattus in many habitats.

Almost all pet rats and all lab rats are R. norvegicus, all of them probably descended from rats caught by Jack Black, Queen Victoria’s rat-catcher. He mostly caught them for the rat-pits, but he kept some as pets and gave them to people. Jennie Randolph (Churchill’s mother) and the author Beatrice Potter are famous rat-owners. Domesticated R. norvegicus tend to like people in general; R. rattus can be tamed, but they are fiercely loyal to their specific humans, and not so social.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #36

Interestingly, wolves and dogs are still the same species, Canis lupus and Canis lupus familiaris.

Since wolves and dogs seem to do well on meat alone, it is probably because they don’t need plants. They are like us, in that respect. We can eat (some) plants, but we can live just fine without them.

(Denise) #37

You are truly a wealth of knowledge Paul! This was amazing to learn about and I wonder when I get a good look at a possum if they aren’t just an over-sized rat, and that is an understatement :weary:

(Megan) #38

The human diseases the modern dog is getting now are largely metabolic, based on our tendency to overfeed our dogs and to feed them commercially produced high carb diets. Many of the carb sources in these commercially prepared dog foods can also cause itchy, inflamed skin conditions, and some are used to bump up the label’s protein macros. Problem is the protein in them isn’t particularly bioavailable, but the protein percentage makes for good marketing.

If you’re thinking about raw feeding Annie I suggest a good amount of research. Young growing puppies have many nutritional boxes that need to be ticked. Adult dogs do too but it’s more urgent they are ticked with puppies. The kibble brand you linked looks decent. If you want to limit the carb percentage, you can always slightly reduce the kibble quantity of her meals and add some raw or very lightly cooked meats, sardine type fish and raw or very lightly cooked eggs.

Sounds like you’re doing great, Denise! It’s easy to get overwhelmed when we get a new dog and want to do everything well. Don’t stress tho, just pick a couple of things you really want to focus on for now. Then when those things are comfortably integrated into your daily life, pick a couple more. Annie is in good hands :joy:

(Denise) #39

I’m sorry I missed this reply @MeganNZ so I’ll get to it now. I’m keeping Annie on her Nature’s Recipe, and her getting her nutritional needs are most important, and that’s why. I can’t keep up with her at times, and adding more cooking to my chores just ain’t gonna happen.

She has gotten to 6.8 lbs now, and so hoping she is getting enough food. According to label it says 1-1/2 cup so she is almost eating that much. I just keep it in her bowl if it gets empty. I poor the whole days supply in a large measuring cup to make sure she gets enough.

She and I are not eating after 5 or 6 pm and only just started that lastnight for her. I stayed up later with here, and we got 5 hours sleep. She didn’t have to pee as much, and smaller amount of poop because she went enough after eating. She does still have her water, but she didn’t drink all the amount I put down for her.

She ate and drank a bit this a.m. Now she is napping and didn’t get all crazy wild thank goodness. One thing at a time, and trying hard not to future-trip. Getting my injury healed will help, I pray it does heal. Ty for your letter Megan, maybe see you later, Denise

(Bob M) #40

Although my pup really likes to eat certain grasses. Not sure why. (Of course, she also likes deer and goose poop, and I’m not sure why there either.) I’m assuming she thinks there’s something in them she needs. I just don’t know what that is.