Low-carb diets 'are unsafe and should be avoided'

(Ben Grover) #1

These kind of articles are infuriating. No link to the actual science. No details on the study’s actual parameters. Just some shocking percentage increases to various mortality rates.

Low carbohydrate diets are unsafe and should be avoided

The second one,…please.


I’d like to see a rebuttal from someone smarter than me. I get that correlation isn’t causation and that it appears to be self-reported nutritional info…but still. I would assume that “participants” weren’t consciously trying to skew data and those are pretty big negative %s.


@MrMartyJones - I agree – I browsed the ESC Congress site mentioned in the article to try to get to the study – it appears it is behind a paywall. (lots of interesting citations there, by the way)

It would be great a cardiologist member of this community could link the study.

(Doug) #5

Junk article from somebody who has a master’s degree in Creative Writing. :smile:

They are not even talking about true low-carbohydrate…

(Brian) #6

It’s just a piggy-back article that references the one from a couple of weeks back that said we’re all gonna die early if we eat low-carb.

At least this one has quite a few “doubts” written in such that they might as well have just said, “we haven’t a clue”.

(Kenny Embry) #7

It looks like the original press release is at https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-08/esoc-lcd082318.php. Still not a lot of detail, but it looks like a cohort study of some sort.

(bulkbiker) #8

I e-mailed MNT and asked where the study was to get the reply not yet published.
I then asked how they were able to “fact check” a study that has not yet been published. Got the reply we just fact check our own piece.
I have responded asking if they think it is ok to publish a news article prompted by a press release with no substance to back it up… they haven’t replied to that one yet.

(Sylvi) #9

My dad (a medical doctor) and his wife (a dietitian) send me links to headlines like this one whenever they see them. This one is the latest one they’ve sent to me. I’d love to be able to respond to them in an informed way but I’m kind of new to keto and don’t have any go-to resources or information to share with them.

(KCKO, KCFO) #10

Step away from the fake scientific news. Your mental health will thank you.