LoseIt App

(Michelle) #1

I found this feature on LoseIt App today, which shows me where my carbs are coming from for the past month. interesting!!

(Omar Newsome) #2

Very cool! I’ll have to revisit that app! I haven’t tried it in years.

(Michelle) #3

yes, and it continues to go down from here, but I didn’t take a screen shot of all the other stuff.

@Brenda - you will notice Zorn candies in there!!

(Omar Newsome) #4


Do you have the premium subscription to LoseIt? How do you like it, do you feel it’s worth the price?

(Michelle) #5

yes, I love it. I think it’s worth the $40 a year or whatever it is. I am a diligent tracker, so it helps me see trends and things like that.

(Omar Newsome) #6

Thanks for the reply! I’ve already been messing around in the app and now I’m going to put some serious thought into the premium subscription!

(eat more) #7

dangit now i have to go check out another app :joy:

(Michelle) #8

I’m sure MFP has this too, or some of the other popular ones. I’ve just used LoseIt for so long, and just yesterday found this feature!! DOH! :astonished:

(eat more) #9

:no_entry_sign: MFP
i’m the same with Fatsecret but i always want somethung shiny and new…if it isn’t poopy lol

(Omar Newsome) #10


MFP’s premium is a rip! It’s twice what loseIt is asking and it seems to have better connectivity with iOS products! Granted I’ve been a long time member and user of MFP, but I think it’s become too…profit oriented since UA took over. For instance, they TOOK functions that used to be free to pad the premium! :rage:

(Michelle) #11

ooh, not good!! I’ve always used LoseIt, but I saw some functionality on MFP that looked cool. LoseIt works fine for me though.