Looking for some more info!

(Ben Loone) #1

Hey guys. I’m about to start the Keto diet after a few weeks non stop research but still have two questions…
I can’t seem to get my head around net carbs? Can somebody please explain as easy as possible as I just can’t get to grips with it!
Also how do people get around outweighing the fat from protein? Can somebody please give me some decent kind of meal ideas which will be more fat and a little less protein!
Thank you in advance and can’t wait to start.

(Ashley) #2

Net carbs are simply taking the amount of carbs on the packing and minus fiber from that. So say something has 5g carbs per serving, and 3g fiber per serving. The total “net carbs” would be 2g. For fat meals, I eat eggs, bacon, 73/23 burger. Add cheese, butter. These have great fat to protein ratios!

(Ben Loone) #3

Perfect thank you. So I’m correct in thinking that the ‘net carbs’ are the ones you add up for your total for the day?

(Laurie) #4

Hi, and welcome! Some people here count net carbs; others count total carbs. Me, I count net carbs.

You can add butter, mayonnaise (preferably avocado or olive oil mayo), sour cream, or olive oil to foods. Or fry instead of boiling. Buy fattier cuts of meat, and don’t cut the fat off meat. Don’t buy low-fat anything. You don’t have to stress about this too much. As long as you’re not actually avoiding fat, you’re probably getting enough.

A few meal ideas:

bacon and eggs
pork chops
burger patties (with or without cheese)
salmon salad
keto pizza (there are many recipes online and in this forum)

veggies with butter
salad with oil & vinegar dressing, or purchased dressing made with olive oil (check that it has 0 or 1 carb per “serving”)

Check out these threads:

I hope that helps!

(Ben Loone) #5

Thank you very much for the reply!

(Janelle) #6

I’m on “Page 4” keto - which is the plan from Dr. Eric Westman. On this plan, no one is really concerned with macros. 20 whole carbs per day, meats, eggs, 2-4oz of cheese per day, 2 tbsp if heavy cream, 2 cups of leafy greens and 1 cup of above the ground veggies. Use healthy fats and oils for cooking. (Removing plant oils that contain PUFAs.) Following those rules makes it pretty simple.

Here was dinner yesterday. I skipped breakfast and had eggs, lunch meat and a small amount of nuts for lunch. For dinner, I had a 1/2lb ground beef patty with cheese, a few strips of bacon, some tomato and avocado. I made some coleslaw with spring onions and cilantro - Duke’s mayo, Sriracha, some sweetener (powdered Swerve), red wine vinegar and a little garlic salt. I’m trying to get in some fermented foods - the pickles (I have heartburn).

So this fits my plan and was a great amount of food for me (and my hubby). We eat the same things - he loses faster. I lose a pound a week.

Tonight we’re having chicken parm with some sautéd zucchini and a salad.

(Janelle) #7

Sorry @islandlight - didn’t mean to reply to you.

(Ashley) #8

Yes, typically most people stay at or below 20g net carbs for the day.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #9

The net carbs explanation depends on where in the world you are. U.S. nutritional panels on food specify total carbohydrate, with fiber listed separately below. Since the fiber is indigestible, many people consider it acceptable to subtract that amount from the total and add up their net carbs.

In Europe, Britain, and the Commonwealth, the carbohydrate number already has the fiber subtracted from it, so that is already net. So if you wanted to count total carbs and not net, you would have to add the fiber grams to the listed carbohydrate grams to get the total carbohydrate.

Clear as mud, right? Sorry! :grin::bacon:

(Carl Keller) #10

A recent forum poll showed that 40% of voters use total carbs and 60% of voters use net carbs. I’ve actually done both. I started with total carbs and recently I switched to 20 net. The main difference I noticed is I can eat more veggies on total, which is why I switched, and my state of ketosis has not changed because of it. I got tired of saying “dang, there’s no room for broccoli today.” There’s others who will say total keeps them on their toes better and that it’s a better kick in the butt to their metabolism and I can’t argue with that.

Whatever you decide to use is up to you. The good thing is you can change it up if you think it’s not working.