Looking for Canadians

(Tania M) #1

Hi all, I am hoping to find some Canadian, preferable those that live in south western Ontario. I am in Windsor and would love to connect with some locals.

(Lisa Enns) #2

Oh man, I’m from Leamington originally, and my whole family is there, but I have been living in Winnipeg for the past 20 years. Sorry! I know Windsor well, though. :wink:

(Brennan) #3

I live in Sarnia.

(mole person) #4

Huntsville, Ontario, here.

(Murphy Kismet) #5

Sudbury, Ontario.

Or, as my husband likes to say: Scudzbury Onterrible :joy: with its ever-stagnant ‘clowncil’. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

(Kevin Takahashi) #6

Toronto, here!


Montreal here!

(Anne) #8

I was born In Windsor Ontario but live in SASK now