Looking back

(Tom Seest) #1

Back when my profile photo was taken in 2008, I spent much of my time contemplating how to get from point A to point B. The journey usually involved issues with the pain in the knees, and the ability to get around obstacles. In particular, stairs were awful. Going up was easier than going down.

I’m grateful that I don’t worry about it or even think about it any more.

Just another step in the right direction.

(Guardian of the bacon) #2

You’ve come along ways my friend, BE PROUD!


One of the joys of weightloss is that I now ‘fit’ into the world I live in. Chairs, parking spaces, airplanes, booths in restaurants, roller coasters. The freedom from micro-managing these situations is really liberating. It’s only now that I realise how stressful and depressing that all was.
Kudos to you @TomSeest you’ve done so well on your journey.

(Tom Seest) #4
